3 Best Ways To Clean Out A Culvert Pipe

When there is too much debris in a sewer pipe, it can cause water to back up and spill onto the surface above. Here, we’ll discuss the best way to clean a sewer line and whether you’ll need professional help.

We’ll also give tips on how to prevent debris from building up in the first place. Keep reading for more information!

Check with your local authority first

Let’s say you often experience a clogged drain on your commercial or residential property. In this case, you might be interested in exploring the methods you can use remove these frustratingly frequent roadblocks.

The problem can be even more common if you live in an area with a high sludge content, as it can build up to clog drain pipes at regular intervals. Additionally, if your town or city is susceptible to recurring flooding, you may also face this dilemma.

While this may be a common problem, it may be one you don’t have to deal with. If you find your sewer line clogged, check with your municipal office to see if they can help you clear it.

Municipalities may be responsible for maintaining these pipes in many jurisdictions and therefore may be able to remove the clog from your sewer or even replace it.

In any case, it’s a good idea to check with your local authorities. Even if they don’t clean as part of their legal mandate, they may refer you to local utilities that can or offer reasonably priced services that make more sense than a DIY method.

It’s an obvious point, but having your local authority deal with the problem can save you a lot of time and money. That said, even if you can get help, you might not be bothered by the hassle and just want a quick fix.

Whether you can’t get help or just don’t want to, read on to learn more!

Check with your local authority first

Assessment of the Situation

Once you’ve explored your options, the first order of business is to assess the damage you’re dealing with.

After all, clogs come in all shapes and sizes! The easiest clog to deal with is one closer to its exits. However, in most cases, you may only become aware of a clog once it has become a nuisance and a substantial volume of debris was built around him.

In addition to the debris that forms around the clog, sometimes you may find the clog itself deep inside the pipe. You can gauge the extent of the problem by looking at how deep the clog is and how much debris has built up around it.

And as you may have guessed, the deeper it is clogged and the more debris there is, the more work you have to do!

Evaluating the scope of the problem at hand is also important as it helps you determine whether a DIY method is feasible or even worth undertaking.

Sometimes the best course of action may be to hire professional help or rent mechanized equipment to effectively deal with the blockage at hand. This is especially true if the hoof is too large to reach with a shovel or you want to invest less time in the task.

How to clean the sewer line

Once you have explored all the options and assessed the nature of the blockage, you can continue with the release. Although the task may seem intimidating, it will be simpler than you expect once you have gathered all the necessary tools.

Your course of action and the time it takes to clear the clog from your drain will greatly depend on the depth of the clog and of course the debris it is surrounded by. For example, if the clog is located near the exit points of the pipe and not much debris has accumulated, you can usually use a shovel to remove it.

The task may take several hours, and you may need to invest a few more hours in cleaning the duct entrance to ensure that the problem does not reoccur anytime soon.

However, if the clog is located deeper in the sewer pipe, you will have to improvise, as it will usually not be possible to reach it with just a shovel. Here are some of the routes you can take in this case:

How to clean the sewer pipe

1. Extension of shovel length

This can be accomplished by welding another pipe to the spade head. The length of additional pipe you use will depend on your estimate of how deep the clog is located. You can usually judge the depth by the time that has passed since you first noticed the clog.

The volume and state of the debris surrounding it can also be given as a deeper hoof it may have a denser volume of debris because it has been sitting there for a while.

Once you’ve determined the length of the pipe and welded or clamped it to the spade head, you can get on with the job of getting it into the pipe and out. This method will work in a very similar way to clearing a blockage that is located near the exit point.

However, the only difference will be the difficulty of the job and the time you may need to invest. In general, the deeper your clog is and the longer you leave it in, the more laborious it will be.

There may be a temptation to crawl into the gutter and get the job done, but this is never a good idea. Not only could there be dangerous debris in the drain, but there could also be high water pressure behind it. Make sure you stay out of the pipe.

2. Using pressure to remove the clog

Extending the length of the shovel

If the clog is located at a depth that is impossible to reach even with the shovel extended, you may need to use a pressure washer to remove the blockage from the drain pipe.

The gear you’ll need to go this route is usually expensive to buy, but you may be able to rent some of it municipal department or even the fire department. You will most likely need an industrial pressure washer to do the job.

An important consideration if you choose to go this route is equipment placement. You want the pressure to be directed downstream or into the drainage area where it will be more feasible for you to remove the debris later.

Misdirecting pressure on residential property can lead to unintended consequences that may not be pretty.

Once you have used pressure to remove the clog and expel the surrounding debris, you must remove it from the downstream drainage area to avoid any further obstruction or damage to your property.

Because of this, you may need to rent a vacuum truck, depending on the volume of debris. This can greatly increase the cost of the job, but it is by far the easiest way to clear a huge blockage.

Using pressure to remove the clog

3. Attaching a chain to the pipe

Another popular method of cleaning the duct is to attach a chain to a thin piece of pipe (long enough to cover the length of the duct) and then push it through the upstream outlet.

Once the pipe has made its way through the duct and comes out the other end, you will need to remove it. Then attach something to the chain, such as an old tire, which you can then pull through the channel to release the blockage.

As with other methods, you may need adjust your strategy if a lot of debris has formed around the shoe. For example, if the debris makes it impossible to pull the pipe from the other end under your own power, you can try attaching it to a truck to use its engine.

As always, you should make sure that ejected debris is completely removed from the drainage area to avoid future clogging or property damage.


Final thoughts

Drain cleaning can seem like an intimidating and difficult task at first. But properly assessing the nature of the blockage and getting the right equipment in your tool kit can make the job easy.

If you’re dealing with a huge amount of debris in a large drain, it’s always a good idea to contact your local authority first to see if they can help. If not, then all you have to do is follow one of these methods above to delete it.

It’s important to manage expectations with these DIY methods. Sometimes the clog can be too clogged to manage on your own and getting professional help is the most feasible route.