Can You Use Galvanized Pipe For Gas? (Not Best Choice!)

Are you planning to install a new gas line? This is a significant investment and you need to make sure you follow local codes, including the correct pipe to use for natural gas.

When installing your gas line, you will have a choice between galvanized pipe or black pipe. Each pipe has its advantages and disadvantages, but many homeowners and professionals are divided on which of the two is the better choice. Can you use galvanized pipe for gas? Is the black pipe safe?

If you want to make a solid decision about which pipe to use, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about fitting galvanized gas pipe. You will also learn about other close alternatives, such as black pipe, commonly used in natural gas installations.

So let’s jump in!

The importance of choosing the right natural gas pipeline

Natural gas is one of the most cost-effective ways to keep your home warm in the winter, run your air conditioner, and run your boiler. But natural gas can be dangerous if you neglect the installation and fail to perform regular maintenance as needed.

Leaks are a major concern when it comes to natural gas pipelines. A small leak in the pipe leads to a catastrophic fire, in addition to the impact on air quality.

It’s important to understand how your gas line works and use the right pipe materials to prevent costly problems such as corrosion leading to leaks, appliance failure, noise and air pollution, and high energy bills.

Different materials are suitable for gas pipes, but the two most common are black pipe and galvanized pipe. If you are installing a gas line for the first time, your local hardware store will usually recommend one of these two.

In the end, it’s not a matter of choosing between the two – it’s a good idea to consider the pros and cons to make an intelligent decision.

Should You Use Galvanized Gas Pipe?

You should use galvanized gas pipe

Before we talk about whether you can use galvanized gas pipe, let’s first find out what we mean through the galvanized pipe.

Galvanized pipe is a type of steel pipe coated with zinc. Steel itself is prone to corrosion when exposed to water and oxygen. To slow corrosion and increase the life of steel pipes, manufacturers apply a layer of zinc. Zinc plating does not last forever; it will wear over time, but this could happen after many years of use.

You may have thought that you shouldn’t use galvanized pipe for transporting natural gas. Some even say it’s illegal to use these pipes for gas, but is it? Well, the answer is yes and no.

Galvanized steel pipes have a bad reputation because in the past manufacturers used low quality zinc metal and inferior galvanizing methods. This caused the zinc coating to chip off and metal debris to block gas burners, regulators and other appliances fed by the gas line. Of course, blockages cause inefficiencies in the gas line and eventually the entire plant stops working.

Modern galvanized pipes are built with quality in mind and do not have the same chipping problems as old pipes. Therefore, you can use galvanized gas pipe without worrying about zinc shavings clogging your piping system and appliances.

That said, pipeline regulations such as the International Residential Code (IRC) and the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) prohibit the use of galvanized gas in underground natural gas transportation. Galvanized pipe will eventually peel off and corrode when the steel comes into contact with oxygen and moisture. Corrosion weakens pipes, leading to a potentially catastrophic gas leak.

Next, let’s compare the suitability of black pipe versus gas pipe for use in natural gas installations.

Black Pipe vs Galvanized Gas Pipe

Before we compare black pipe with galvanized gas pipe, let’s find out what black pipe is. Black pipe, also known as malleable iron or black iron pipe, gets its name from its color (no surprises there). The black color is the result of iron oxide that forms when the steel is exposed to oxygen.

Black pipe and galvanized pipe are made of the same basic material i.e. steel. The difference is that galvanized pipe is coated with zinc to prevent corrosion, while black iron pipe is uncoated.

Like a galvanized pipe, you must not use black pipe in underground natural gas installations. For such installations, local building codes in most areas require the use of steel pipe that is coated at the factory with a special, moisture-resistant plastic material.

So what is the best gas line?

So what is the best gas line

The black pipe is the best for gas installations. Since this pipe has no extra layer, you don’t have to worry about metal shavings clogging your pipes and gas appliances.

That said, modern galvanized steel pipe is also a good choice for natural gas. This pipe has no scaling problems and is therefore of a much higher quality than old galvanized steel. However, you should check with your local codes.

Aside from the scaling problem, some homeowners and professionals may avoid galvanized pipes because of the cost. This pipe tends to be more expensive due to the additional galvanizing process.

That said, some home improvement stores sell black pipe for a higher price. They take advantage of the fact that black pipe is the most preferred natural gas pipe.

Why black pipe is commonly used in natural gas installations

Why black pipe is commonly used in natural gas installations

There is a misconception that galvanized pipe cannot be used for gas. Others even say that using this pipeline for natural gas is illegal. But, the truth is that this is no longer the case and it only applies to old galvanized pipes. The new galvanized pipe is built for longevity, but most importantly, it doesn’t have the same flaking and clogging problems it had in the past.

However, most homeowners and plumbing professionals prefer black natural gas pipe. Black iron pipe has several natural advantages that make it the best pipe for gas installation. Let’s look at some of these advantages:

1. Seamless

A big difference between black pipe and galvanized pipe is that black pipe comes without a seam. The seamless nature makes the black iron pipe waterproof, ensuring the safety of natural gas transportation. Black iron pipe is also heat resistant.

2. Less expensive

Black iron pipe is generally cheaper than galvanized pipe of the same diameter. The additional galvanizing process increases the cost of production, making galvanized pipe slightly more expensive than black iron pipe. If you’re on a tight budget, black gas pipe might be a better choice.

3. Local regulations

The Uniform Plumbing Code and the International Residential Code do not prohibit the use of galvanized gas pipe. But, some local regulations make it illegal to use galvanized pipes. Because of such prohibitions, many homeowners and professionals choose to use black iron pipe in natural gas installations.

4. Use of galvanized pipes in water systems

Most homes already use galvanized steel pipes in their plumbing system water pipes. So using galvanized gas pipe can bring confusion as to which is which. No one wants to confuse their natural gas line with their water line or vice versa. If you choose to use galvanized gas pipe, best practice is to paint it yellow to distinguish it from the water pipe.

Is it safe to use black and galvanized pipes in the same installation?

Another concern that homeowners have is whether you can combine black and galvanized pipes in the same natural gas installation. The answer is: it depends.

Local codes generally prohibit joining black iron and galvanized steel pipe because a chemical reaction occurs when the two metals interact. The reaction can cause corrosion and increase the risk of a gas leak.

Using black iron and galvanized pipe is generally safe if the connection is above ground, meaning inside your house. The chemical reaction between the two pipes is extremely slow and insignificant.

But, the case is different for underground installations. It is best to avoid connecting galvanized and black pipes underground, as the presence of moisture and oxygen can lead to rapid corrosion of the pipes, potentially causing gas leaks.

Summary: Can you use galvanized gas pipe?

Galvanized pipe gets a bad rap because the zinc coating chips and clogs gas lines. But this is old news. Modern pipe is better quality and doesn’t have these chipping problems. So, unless local codes prohibit it, you can use galvanized gas pipe. Be sure to mark the gas pipes with a yellow paint to distinguish the galvanized water pipe from the galvanized gas pipe.

That being said, black iron pipe is the most preferred pipe for natural gas. The pipe is less expensive, is already used in most homes and is seamless, making it less prone to gas leaks. If you plan to sell your house in the future, your best bet is to use black gas pipe and avoid connecting galvanized pipe with black pipe, as the corrosive reaction between the two pipes can cause pipe leaks.