How Long Does Copper Pipe Last? (Unlimited Guides)

Copper is one of the most common and oldest metals used for many types of pipes – from drinking water to sewage pipes and from ancient Egypt to today. In fact, copper pipe is one of the four most common types of pipe in residential and industrial use today, along with galvanized steel pipe, CPVC, and cross-linked polyethylene (PEX).

But does that mean copper pipes are as good as their alternatives or are they just affordable? How does their quality compare to other pipe materials and how long does copper pipe last? The last point is especially crucial if you’re wondering when you might want to have a professional check on your home’s plumbing.

How long does copper pipe last?

Copper pipes are not as durable as galvanized steel pipes, but they still have a significantly longer lifespan than non-metallic pipe materials such as PVC.

Expected mean lifetime of high-quality copper pipes it is about 70 to 80 years, although most conservative estimates put it around 50 years. Compared to the 80 to 100 years of galvanized steel and the 24 to 50 years of PVC, that’s a pretty good lifespan for most industrial and residential needs.

However, the exact number you can expect to see depends on several factors, such as:

  • The type and quality of water or other liquids flowing through the pipe
  • The type and quality of the copper pipe itself
  • How well you took care of the pipe
  • Other environmental factors.

So let’s go over the main types of copper pipes below, as this is the first thing you can control.

The 3 main types of copper pipe and how long each type lasts

The thickness of copper pipe is one of the main things that determine its durability and longevity. Depending on how thick the copper pipe is, it may fall into one of three separate categoriess – M-type pipes, L-type pipes and high quality K-type pipes.

1. M-type copper pipes

The first type of copper pipe is type M. These are the thinnest copper pipes with the shortest life, the lightest weight and the most affordable price.

This doesn’t necessarily make them «cheap and sub-fair», though – M-type copper pipes they are also very easy to handle, install and repair due to their light weight. And despite their thin walls, they still have an estimated lifespan of 24 to 50 years, which is equivalent to that of PVC pipes.

The 3 main types of copper pipe and how long each type lasts

2. L-type copper pipes

L-type copper pipes are most common in both residential and industrial construction. It is thicker than M pipe and the building code in most states even requires L pipe for most construction. The thicker design of these pipes means a longer service life of several decades and a much lower risk of leaks and cracks.

3. K-type copper pipes

The best quality copper pipes are classified as type K pipes. These pipes are very thick, heavy, durable and long lasting. They are much better equipped to withstand wear and tear, but are also heavier, more expensive and more difficult to install and repair.

4. Rigid tubes vs flexible rollers

Last but not least, there is another essential distinction between certain copper pipes and this is based on whether they come in the form of rigid tubes or flexible coils. The difference between the two is self-explanatory.

Advantages and disadvantages of copper pipes

Advantages and disadvantages of copper pipes


1. Copper pipes are 100% recyclable and sustainable

A huge reason why copper water mains are still as popular despite all their more modern alternatives is how durable and recyclable copper is.

2. Versatile and diverse options

Copper pipes are available in many types, widths and thickness options and can also be used in almost any commercial or residential situation.

3. Very light for a metal

While copper pipes are obviously heavier than PVC pipe and PEX pipe, they are lighter than most metal pipes. M-type copper pipes, in particular, are very easy to transport, handle, install and repair.

4. As a noble metal, copper pipes are resistant to corrosion

Copper is a noble metal, which means it is very durable against rust and other types of corrosion.

Being a noble metal, copper pipes are resistant to corrosion

5. Very common and long used material

Copper pipes have been used for literal millennia, some evidence has been found for water pipes being used in ancient Egypt 4,500 years ago. This is not only a little interesting, but also shows how useful the copper installation is.

In addition, this also means that professional plumbers are very familiar with this type of pipe, they know how to treat copper pipe leaks and there is also a wide range of options and alternatives when it comes to pipe joints and other tools and auxiliary components. .

6. Copper pipes do not contaminate water sources with harmful chemicals like lead and cast iron pipes do

Lead and cast iron pipes are notorious for poisoning people with harmful chemicals, but that’s not really the case with copper pipes, especially when properly maintained.


1. Copper pipes can add a slightly metallic flavor to drinking water

Copper water pipes, while not as dangerous as lead pipes, can also leach metals into the water supply if the pipes are old and not properly maintained. That’s why it’s important to call a plumber to inspect your plumbing system and make the necessary pipe repairs if you notice a metallic taste in your drinking water.

2. More expansive than PVC, PEX and other non-metallic pipe materials

Copper pipe is usually more affordable than galvanized steel pipe, but it is also more expensive than most types of plastic pipe. That’s why PVC and PEX pipe replacements are usually chosen over copper pipes when people experience sudden problems with old plumbing.

More expansive than PVC, PEX and other non-metallic pipe materials

3. Internal corrosion is possible depending on the content of water flowing through the pipe

While copper is highly resistant to many types of corrosion, the interior of a copper pipe can corrode over time depending on certain types of exposure. High water pressure, high mineral content, very acidic wateror one abnormally low pH level all can contribute to the health and longevity of copper pipes.

For example, the infamous copper pipe leaks often occur when hard water flows daily. Such water has a high content of dissolved magnesium and calcium minerals, which leads to copper corrosion. Hole leaks are not untreatableof course, they are not unique to copper pipes either.

4. DIY copper pipe installations and repairs are complicated and ill-advised

Another important reason why non-metallic plumbing is often preferred even over M-type copper pipe is that people can DIY non-metallic pipes, but often have to call in professional plumbers when they need to install or repair metal pipes. So, if you don’t want to have to call in professionals from time to time, PVC or PEX pipes can be easier to deal with.

When you need a check for your home’s copper piping – 3 mark

Pipe maintenance is annoying and one of the things that homeowners and business owners prefer to put off as long as possible. Needless to say, it’s a bad idea and occasional routine inspection of pipelines it’s a must if you want to avoid trouble.

Ideally, you should do this every few years, even if you don’t see any problems with your home’s pipes. However, even if you really don’t want to bother, or if it’s only been a few months, there are some signs which you should never ignore:

1. Discoloration of water

If the inside of the copper pipes has begun to corrode, the metallic taste of the water will soon be followed by discoloration of the water, usually to brown or even black water.

2. Low water pressure

Low water pressure can be caused by various things such as faucet clogging issues and more. Another likely explanation is leaks or holes in the pipe, which are still a cause for pipe maintenance.

3. Physical problems of exposed pipes

Most pipe installations in both residential and industrial environments will have at least a few pipes exposed, usually in the bathroom or basement. Checking the health of these pipes is a good idea, as they can indicate when it’s time to call a professional for a routine check. Things like bumps, flaking or dimples on those pipes are signs that something is wrong.

Bottom line – how long does copper pipe last and should you consider it for your home?

Copper water pipes are a staple in industrial and residential plumbing for many good reasons, such as their excellent quality, relative affordability, safety, and overall good lifespan. However, from time to time you will need a replacement for the copper pipe.

On average, a copper pipe can be expected to last over 50 years if it is of good quality and properly maintained. Thinner pipes are expected to last less – between 24 and 50 years – and in extreme cases, a copper pipe can fail in less than 5 years if mishandled.

Whether this is once every 5 years or 75 years depends on the quality of the water flowing through the pipe and the routine checks and maintenance you provide. So if it’s been a while since you last checked your copper pipes, it’s wise to do so sooner rather than later.