Thinking of using PVC pipes outdoors? Are you concerned about the longevity of the pipe when exposed to the sun? PVC has become a popular alternative to copper for use in water piping systems over the past sixty years. Homeowners prefer PVC pipes for their flexibility, weight, durability and affordability.
That being said, many people ask themselves the question: how long will PVC pipe last under the sun? This is an important question if you want to use this type of pipe in outdoor installations.
Read on for answers to the longevity of PVC pipe, including how long it can withstand the sun. You will also find tips to improve the life of the pipe.
Does PVC deteriorate in sunlight?
In general, PVC is UV resistant and will not deteriorate immediately in sunlight. But constant exposure to the sun will weaken the pipe over time.
In general, PVC pipe has a lifespan of 50 to 80 years under the sun. The structure and integrity of PVC pipe begins to gradually diminish after two years of direct sunlight exposure.
Light exposure to sunlight will not cause damage to PVC pipe; UV rays will not significantly affect PVC pipe when direct exposure is minimal or short-term.
There, PVC pipe is generally safe to use outdoors and will serve you for many years. However, prolonged exposure to UV rays will cause the structure of the pipe to gradually weaken. Painting or wrapping the pipe in an opaque material are some methods you can use to slow the effect of UV rays on the sun’s rays. We’ll look into that soon.
PVC vs PEX vs Copper
PVC, PEX, and copper are the most common materials for water piping systems. All three pipes are suitable for indoor use and both copper and PVC stand up well to sunlight.
However, PEX will deteriorate quickly when exposed to direct sunlight, even for a short period of time. The longest PEX can last in the sun is 30 days, after which the material will rapidly degrade, rendering it unusable.
PEX has gained massive popularity over more traditional options such as PVC and copper. PEX is flexible, making it comparably easier to transport and install, but it lacks the sun resistance of PVC pipe.
Compared to copper, PVC is lighter, less expensive, and will generally last longer than copper. Copper is prone to oxidation and corrosion, which can reduce the life of the metal. That being said, sunlight has no negative effects on copper; unlike PVC, no matter how much sunlight copper is exposed to, the metal will not degrade.
When considering ease of use, PVC is a clear winner compared to copper. PVC pipe is lighter, making it easier to install using compression fittings without problems. Copper, on the other hand, needed soldering to connect one pipe to another.
Can PVC tolerate high temperatures?
In general, PVC pipe holds under the sun. But, the same cannot be said when the pipe surface is directly exposed to extremely hot water.
So how hot can PVC get? PVC pipe can reach 60°C (140°F). Even at these high temperatures PVC pipe will still retain its shape and structural integrity.
But, you should avoid exposing the PVC pipe to such high temperatures for a long period of time. PVC will eventually fail when exposed to extreme temperatures too often.
Because PVC cannot tolerate consistently high temperatures, it is not the best choice for hot water lines. PEX and copper are most ideal when installing hot water lines in your home.
Effects of sunlight on PVC pipes
As mentioned, PVC pipe can withstand the sun for 50 to 80 years and withstand high temperatures up to 140AF (60AC). That said, after two or more years of exposure to the sun, PVC can begin to discolor and become less impact resistant.
Let’s look at some of the effects of UV rays on PVC pipes.
Prolonged exposure to UV rays causes discoloration of the PVC pipe surface. The fading process begins when the top gloss disappears. Then, over time, the surface turns gray and the pipe eventually changes color from yellow to brown and finally to black.
Discoloration will stop when the PVC pipe is no longer exposed to UV rays. PVC pipe protected by UV absorbers such as titanium can also slow the fading process.
Lower impact resistance
Impact strength is the degree to which the pipe can tolerate impact without breaking. PVC is rigid but strong and does not break easily. However, after two years of exposure to the sun, the impact resistance of PVC is reduced. UV rays weaken the structure of the pipe, making it prone to breakage.
The extent to which PVC pipe loses its impact resistance will depend on factors such as pipe quality, thickness and diameter. The duration of sun exposure and previous climatic conditions to which the PVC has been exposed will also affect the degree to which the impact strength of the PVC decreases.
As a general rule, thin pipes with a small diameter experience a faster drop in impact strength. These pipes are also known as schedule 40 PVC and you may see the most drastic drop in impact strength with them. For outdoor use, consider schedule 80 PVC, which is more durable and less prone to cracking when exposed to UV rays for an extended period of time.
So discoloration and reduced impact resistance of PVC are the two main signs of overexposure to sunlight. Other factors such as stiffness and pressure capacity are generally not affected by sunlight.
Overall, sunlight does not cause significant damage to PVC. This pipe will continue to look and perform well for more than 50 years with proper maintenance.
Tips to protect PVC from the effects of sun exposure
Although exposure to the sun does not have a significant effect on PVC pipes, it is important to protect your pipes for longevity, cost savings and efficiency. Protecting the pipe will keep the structure in tact.
Let’s look at some common methods of protecting PVC from direct sunlight.
1. Paint
The right paint can protect PVC pipes from fading by creating a protective layer between UV rays and the surface of the pipe. It is best to use light colors such as white and pastels to keep the pipe cool and avoid distorting the shape.
Use water-based paints because they apply easily and adhere more strongly. Avoid oil or solvent based paints as they do not adhere well and will peel off soon. The best recommendation is to use special paint specially designed for the application of PVC pipes.
2. Packaging
Aside from painting, another way to protect PVC pipe from the effects of sun exposure is to wrap the pipe using an opaque material that deflects rather than absorbs heat.
3. Proper storage
How the PVC pipe was stored in the store and how you continue to store it after purchase will have an impact on the structure and longevity of the pipe. Ideally, you should buy PVC pipes stored in a shaded area away from direct sunlight.
After purchasing the PVC, be sure to store the pipe properly to avoid the effects of prolonged exposure to the sun. Remove all plastic packaging that comes with the pipe; these coatings can trap heat and destroy the structure PVC pipes.
When storing PVC pipe, avoid equipment that produces excessive heat. This can affect the shape and structure of the pipe, making it more fragile.
Instead of plastic wrap, cover the PVC pipe with burlap or a tarp before storage. Preferably opt for a white protective coating that will remove heat even if you store the pipe for a long time.
Summary: How long will PVC pipe last under the sun?
PVC pipe has many advantages over alternatives such as copper and PEX for water piping systems. It is strong and durable and withstands sunlight very well. PVC can be used in outdoor applications and will not suffer adverse effects from sun exposure.
PVC will last 50-80 years under the sun, but this will depend on factors such as pipe quality, diameter and thickness. The pipe can also withstand high temperatures without being damaged, but is not the best for use as a hot water pipe.
Take into account the measures recommended here to protect the PVC pipe from prolonged exposure to the sun.