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Moving during remodeling is a big decision. It means leaving behind everything you’ve worked so hard to build. But should you move? Or do you stay put?
In most cases, moving during remodeling is the best option. This gives contractors and other workers the space they need to work without having to worry about stepping over you and your belongings during the process. However, you may decide to complete the remodeling on your own. If this is the case, you may be able to get away with staying in your home until the remodeling is done.
The renovation process is exciting, but it will also affect your life significantly.
And along with all the excitement that comes with your remodeling project, comes a lot of stress that requires creative problem solving to complete the project.
You might consider staying in the home while the contractor does the work, but is that really the best idea?
Maybe you’re thinking about moving during the remodeling.
So should you move during remodeling or not?
In this post, I’ll explain the pros and cons of moving during a remodel and help you make the decision for yourself.
By the way, before I get too far here, if you want to connect with other homeowners and builders and get more great ideas for your home to make your space the best, join my free private Facebook group , Reshape Reality here.
Is it possible to live in a house during remodeling?
Whether you have friends or family in the area to stay with, or you own an RV, there are a number of options available during your renovation project.
Living at home while you are in the process of remodeling your home is not impossible.
However, moving in during a remodel might be the best option. If not for the workers and their ability to get the job done, then for your own health and well-being you don’t need to be around much chaos!
Using a temporary space, such as a short-term rental or even a vacation rental property, could do the trick.
That said, moving completely isn’t necessary if you’re only working on a small-scale project, such as a single room in your home.
On the other hand, if you’re doing a major renovation, such as adding more rooms, or doing a kitchen remodel that will completely take your kitchen out of service, you may need a temporary space to stay while you work is being done. Completed.
When Should You Consider Moving During a Remodel?
Trying to decide whether or not to stay in your home during a remodel can be stressful, what with trying to find temporary housing and all.
Not only that, but depending on the size of the project, potential setbacks can cause the project timeline to expand. When this happens, you have to worry about whether or not you can continue to stay in your current temporary living situation.
And as someone who stayed home during the process, you probably have no idea how disruptive it can be.
Disrupting even the most basic parts of your daily routine is significant.
Sure you can move into your spare bedrooms so you’re out of the way, but if your remodeling company is working in the kitchen, what are you going to do?
Setting up a temporary kitchen in a bathroom, even just to wash dishes, is not a good idea – been there, done that.
So you have to think about how much of your life will change when you evaluate what you want to do.
What are you going to do with your stuff?
Your stuff – furniture, bookshelves, plates, cookware, etc. they’ll all be in the way, especially if you’re doing a major remodel.
And your remodeling company will need space to work.
Plus, you don’t want to cover your expensive furniture with all the dust and dirt or have a pile of dirt all over everything.
We’ve been clearing out books for what seemed like weeks on our shelves, and occasionally we’ll still find something that looks dusty.
Instead, consider moving things into a storage unit.
There are lots of different storage options available, such as renting a loft to stay on site where you can store your belongings.
Another storage option is to rent a self-storage location. These facilities allow you to store items in air-conditioned units and generally provide better security than a portable storage container such as a pod.
Who moves with you?
Another factor to consider is who lives with you.
Sometimes it’s not easy to pack up and go.
If you have children or pets, moving temporarily can be a challenge.
The biggest challenge comes with pets.
If you have dogs or cats, or both, then finding an apartment for short-term rental or a hotel for extended stays can be much more difficult.
Not to mention that no matter what housing solution you find, you’ll roughly double your living expenses during this time, and that can put enough pressure to break most people’s budgets.
However, you need a living space, so it’s vital that you look at all the options we cover here so you can make an informed decision.
A safe and clean space is vital to your overall mental health, whether you’re staying at home or moving.
The benefits of living in your home during a remodel
As stressful as it sounds to live in your home in the middle of a remodel, there are some positives that can be attributed to this choice.
Not only can this choice save you money in some cases, but you can also be there throughout the process. You have the ability to see work being done and notice and speak up when something doesn’t seem right.
You can’t underestimate how important monitoring your home works is.
Potentially save money
If you live somewhere without a lot of family or friends who can host you and everyone else in your home for an extended period of time, staying home during the process can save you money.
Keep in mind that you are already spending a lot of money on your renovation project: it may be renovating on a large scale equally low cost $15,000, while larger projects can cost up to $200,000 or more.
With this in mind, it may not be feasible to spend another huge amount of money to rent out a room during the renovation process in a vacation rental, AirBnB, or extended stay hotel.
In this case, you can find other creative ways to continue living at home without getting in the way of the contractor and workers.
Being there throughout the entire remodel
Another potential pro comes from being able to watch the entire process unfold in real time.
When you can track the work in progress and see exactly how the remodel is being done at any given time.
This also means that you are easier to contact when a contractor or other worker has questions during the process.
The Disadvantages of Living in Your Home During a Remodel
While there are advantages to staying in your home during a remodel, these advantages can also cause problems.
For example, temporarily moving your home during remodeling allows contractors to finish their work faster, which can save you money in the long run.
Along with that, staying indoors means you could be exposed to harmful substances such as and cause added stress and overwhelm.
Potential exposure to harmful substances
There’s a lot that gets stirred up in the air during the renovation process, and it’s not all just saw dust.
Let’s say you’re remodeling your house and you did it without knowing it black mold growing in your walls.
If you are unaware of the problem and stay while there is an active demonstration, the mold will agitate and release spores into the air you breathe.
In turn, this can make you seriously ill. In some cases, you can even die from exposure.
For this reason, you should make sure that your home is actually safe during the remodeling process.
But it doesn’t just have to be toxic airborne particles like black mold.
You can develop sensitivities to all the dust in the air or even have a reaction to certain chemical compounds that are used during the construction process.
Fumes from different types of adhesives and cleaners can be overwhelming, not to mention the paint fumes and accompanying chemicals that painters use while working.
Living around chaos can be uncomfortable and overwhelming
Health and safety issues aside, staying indoors can also cause an inconvenience for all parties involved in the remodel.
As beneficial as it may be to see contractors doing the work you paid them to do, they can become irritated or stressed if they feel like you’re hovering over their shoulders all the time.
You can also reach a point where seeing the result of a day’s worth of renovation work becomes monotonous and you can no longer see the area with fresh, sharp eyes.
Where to go when your home is being remodeled
If you decide to leave your home during remodeling, there are a few options to choose from.
If you have friends or family in the area who can host you, this is a great way to save on potential room and board costs at an AirBnB or hotel.
However, we know that’s not always an option.
As mentioned before, it also depends on who you’re moving to, but there are a variety of options/
Extended stay hotels
A great option is to move into an extended stay hotel. These are great options that are designed specifically to accommodate people who will be living the hotel life for a few weeks or months.
Vacation Rentals
If you live near an area where there are many unoccupied vacation rentals, this could be a great option. We live in the Florida area and there are many vacation rentals available, so this could be one of those times where you make lemonade out of the lemons of the renovation process and turn the transition time into family vacation time.
RVs and RVs
Another option is to rent an RV and stay on your property while the remodeling work takes place. That way, you’re close enough to what’s happening, but you can be removed from the momentary experience of living through your renovation project.
Did you know that Airbnb has a monthly or long-term rental option? This would be a great way to get temporary housing that would feel more like living at home.
You go on vacation
If you can handle it, you can also choose to use this time to go on a much-needed vacation. Whether it’s across the country or a few hours one-way, letting go allows you to take a little stress out and enjoy the world around you.
Creative options for «Moving»
If you don’t want to move completely, there are some unconventional alternatives.
For example, if you are the outdoorsy type, then setting up a tent in your yard allows you to be away from all the chaos without leaving the property. These alternative methods are great for anyone who doesn’t fully trust others to be at home without them there.
Final thoughts
There are several factors to consider when choosing to move during remodeling or stay put.
There are plenty of temporary housing options if you’re on a budget, and there are pros and cons to both staying put and moving.
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