Lost the benefits of reducing energy consumption are multipleand not only for the consumer\’s pocket, but also for environmental sustainability by achieving what is called responsible consumption, defining energy saving measures.
the reduce energy consumption I received at the same time reduce production costs this, polluting less and consequently helping to improve our health. In the case of renewable energy we reduce the use of natural resources and so decreases the damage to the planet related to the exploitation of its resources, while there is a lower greenhouse gas emissions.
By reducing the energy consumption of a country increases its competitiveness, as it will have to import less energy from abroad, which will make it more energy independent. As we can verify, saving energy offers multiple advantagesIt\’s a matter of knowing how to get it done to get started as soon as possible.
Energy saving measures at home
The first place where we can start to reduce our energy consumption is our home. daily papers that we don\’t usually look at can get a significant savings on our bill and at the same time contribute to environmental health.
the practice of responsible consumption is within reach of our hands and for this we can make a series of simple actions. We can also resort to solutions photovoltaic self-consumption for homes. Let\’s see below some of the most effective ones to reduce our energy bill:
- Buy appliances with an optimal energy rating. To do this, we need to look at its energy label, being the most energy efficient and therefore those that consume the least those labeled A or B and the least efficient or those that consume the most those labeled F and G .
- We turn off the lights when we are not in the rooms. The cost of lighting a house represents 20% of the total bill.
- Have good insulation at home on doors and windows. Proper insulation leads to energy savings of up to 30% of the bill.
- Use energy-saving LED bulbs. They last up to 30 times longer and save 80% of light.
- Defrost the refrigerator from time to timebecause when the walls are covered with frost, the engine has to work harder and therefore increases its consumption.
- Turn off your computer or TV when not in usebecause they also consume even if they are in stand-by mode.
- In the Winter one must open blinds and drapes when it\’s sunny and we will have to lower the blinds during the night. In the summeryou have to do the exact opposite, lower the blinds during the sunniest hours and climb and air them when the sun goes down.
- Keep a healthy and stable temperature around 25 degrees in summer and 21 degrees in winter.
- Adjust the temperature of the refrigerator at the time of year we meet. In the summer you have to lower it and in the winter you have to raise it.
- don\’t start washing machine, dryer or dishwasher until they are full.
- By using washing machine use short programsreduce the temperature to 30 degrees and spin at no more than 800 revolutions.
- use a condensing boiler or low temperature save up to 25%.
- Do not leave the taps open if we don\’t use water, such as when we shower or brush our teeth.
- Always showering is better than bathing.
- If we have plants or a garden water at night so that the water takes less time to evaporate.
In the car
For every liter of petrol, 2.35 kg of CO are emitted2 to the atmosphere. Besides at home, in our car we can also perform a series of easy actions that allow us to save fuel and thus reduce emissions into the atmosphere:
- Try not to take the car unless absolutely necessary, using public transport as much as possible. Also, and if the distance is not very long, we can walk or use the bicycle.
- Yes we are torn off one must turn off the enginealbeit for a short time.
- A smooth driving Without braking or accelerating, it manages to save up to 15% fuel.
- Do not turn on the air conditioner unless necessary because it consumes 25% more fuel.
At the office
At work we can also carry out feasy daily actions that will allow us save energy in the office, many of them very similar to what we can do at home, such as using energy-saving light bulbs. But there are other specific actions that we should not overlook. Let\’s see some of them below:
- The employer must know exactly the consumption profile of your business in order to optimize the power according to the consumption curve, i.e. review past bills to see which hours are consuming the most, which devices are consuming the most, etc. Being able to resort to solutions of photovoltaic self-consumption for companies.
- perform a good maintenance of office equipment. To do this, we need to detect which equipment is spending the most and perform regular maintenance on them to reduce their consumption, or even consider replacing them with others that consume less.
- Always keep the thermostat on heating at a suitable and stable temperature throughout the year. You must try not to be too cold in the summer or too hot in the winter. In summer it is recommended that the temperature be between 24 and 26 degrees and in winter between 20 and 21 degrees.
- Promote among employees company culture of responsible consumption. It is essential to establish rules of behavior to save energy, such as turning off equipment and lights when leaving, not wasting paper, etc.
- Digitize documents to use less and less paper. For this, the cloud tool is very useful.
- teleworking. A very interesting way to save energy and at the same time increase productivity and worker satisfaction.
As we have seen, there are many ways to save energy wherever we are, it\’s a matter of starting to apply them and making a change in our mindset and behavior that helps both the environment and our economy.