How to save energy in the office?

save energy in the office while we work has now become the priority of a large number of companies seeking to be sustainable and provides this image of concern for the environment to their customers while saving costs. This is in addition to the steady increase in the price of electricity, which has been close to historical highs this year and has led many companies to rethink their energy consumption policy.

The the profitability of a business It depends not only on selling more, but on reaching the balance point between business expenses and invoicing. For this reason, a the high energy bill can put you at risk the viability of a business.

Coward energy saving measures in the office They do not necessarily require a large economic investment, but rather a simple one change of habits. Gestures as simple as turning off the light when needed, closing the windows if we have the heating on, leaving the computer off when we leave, etc., do not cost money and represent considerable energy savings.

How to save energy at the office with efficient appliances?

in many workshops is required by use of kitchen appliances for employee use. They are currently required to submit a energy efficiency label compliance with European regulations. The electrical appliances for which this label is mandatory are: refrigerator, washing machine, freezer, dryer, dishwasher, air conditioner and household light sources. The labels are classified by letters (from A to G) and by colors (from green to red), being A and green the label that the most effective devices wear and red G the least effective. let\’s see next What are the household appliances that consume the most electricity:

  • He refrigerator: It is by far the most energy consuming appliance as it has to be in continuous operation throughout its life. So much so, that only the refrigerator can represent 30% of the electricity bill in the case of a house. A refrigerator of category A consumes up to 75% less than a refrigerator of class G. Therefore, if there is a refrigerator in our office, it should be as efficient as possible.
  • He dishwasher: it can represent 6% of the bill, so it is best to use it only when it is full (which, in an office of about 50 people, probably happens every day if all the workers eat at work) and to use short programs and low temperature.
  • Coffee: This essential device in any workplace can consume more than 1 Wh, in fact, according to a report from OCU, the coffee maker can consume as much electricity as a computer.
  • He microwave oven: another very necessary appliance in any office kitchen and essential for all those who take a tupperware to work. This device can consume a lot of energy just by being plugged in (thanks to the famous \»stand by\» mode). If plugging and unplugging is inconvenient, a good solution is to plug it into an outlet with a switch so that when not in use, it is unplugged.

Air conditioning energy savings

Lost air conditioning systems assume over 50% of the total energy consumption of an office building. At the same time, adequate air conditioning in an office is one of the essential factors for comfort at work.

For save on air conditioning In the office in a practical way you have to:

  • Control the maximum temperature of the devices. It is recommended that in the summer months the temperature for air conditioning be between 24 and 26°C, and in winter the temperature should not exceed 21°C for heating. A variation of just one degree can generate savings of between 6-10% on the bill.
  • Take advantage of the orientation of the facade. If it is to the north, we must use blinds to prevent the cold from passing through in winter, however, if our facade is facing south, we can use fixed or mobile solar protections that help shade the windows in the summer season and allow the sun to pass through in winter.
  • Use natural ventilation as much as possible, which is also much healthier. For this reason, it is important to ventilate in the early hours of the morning.
  • Turn off all electrical appliances that are not in usesuch as lamps, photocopiers, printers, computers, etc., as they generate heat in offices, increasing the need for cooling due to the higher ambient temperature.
  • Install thermostats or an on/off control system in the office of air-conditioning systems, because up to 50% of the energy consumed to air-condition a building is achieved during non-activity hours.

How to save energy in office lighting?

The office lighting you can assume up to 30% of the total energy consumption. Some practical tips to save light are:

  • Change the type of lights. Replacing lighting with more energy-efficient, energy-efficient or LED lighting can save up to 50% on electricity consumption. The upfront cost of replacing your lighting system may seem high at first, but it pays off in the long run.
  • Use a zoned start/stop system. In this way we use light only when necessary.
  • Make the most of natural light. If necessary, changing the location of work areas or keeping blinds up.
  • Install presence detectors in transit and access areas. Thus, energy savings are favored by not leaving the lights on.
  • Educate employees not to leave lights on. It is important that the last people to leave the office take responsibility for checking that the lights are off.

Save energy in IT equipment

so much computers such as printers, photocopiers, fax machines and other equipment of office can end up consuming up to 20% of electricity in an office. Of all the computers stand out, which, due to their large presence in offices, are responsible for half of this energy expenditure.

Create a culture of energy saving in the office

It is useless to use effective technologies if they do not exist changing the mindset among our employees. User habits play a very important role when it comes to saving in an office and favors the rational use of energy.

For this reason it is very important that A series of actions are promoted at the workplace:

  • Instill a company culture of responsible consumption.
  • Try to eliminate the use of paper.
  • Reduce indirect energy consumption such as plastics and other office supplies.
  • Promote sustainable mobility among employees using public transport, bicycles or car sharing.
  • Bet on remote work.