How to save on your electricity bill in 2022? | scams

The first thing we must be clear about if we want to know how to save on your electricity bill is to know the meaning of the items that make up the final amount of the invoice. It is obvious that most of the electricity bill corresponds to the consumption that is carried out each month, varying if it was consumed more or less, but also other details and items such as rental countersTHE contracted power, taxes, taxes….

There are several elements on which the amount of the bill depends that are beyond the control of the population and about which we can do nothing. Let\’s analyze reducing consumption and contracted power what are the two main quantities that fatten the final quantity.

After briefly explaining the elements of the invoice, we will see some actions that can be taken save on your monthly electricity bill.

Understanding your electricity bill

The electricity bill is an increasingly large document that consists of several pages that explain or justify the final amount. Common items on an electricity bill are:

  1. Employed potential. It is the unit, expressed in kilowatts, that controls the simultaneous use of electricity in a house or building without tripping the power control switch (ICP). The new electricity tariffs split electricity into two periods, assigning a different price in kW for peak hours and another for off-peak hours/days.
  1. Energy consumption. They are kW consumed in a set period of time. The data and price per kW are indicated on the actual invoice. Consumption is usually measured month by month, or bimonthly.
  1. discounts. Where you are entitled under the contracted rate or any other promotion that the marketer applies to us.
  1. tolls. They are costs related to the supply of electricity, such as costs for energy transmission and distribution.
  1. meter rental. Item we pay the merchant for using an electricity meter.
  1. tax. Composed of tariffs that record energy consumption.

Types of contracts

Depending on the type of contract signed with light commercial company we will have a first piece of information that will help us understand the breakdown of the bill.

  • Regulated price contracts. The government, aiming to reduce consumption in certain time intervals, sets prices that reward consumption after hours. Users who have contracted the regulated price will be conditioned by the hours of highest consumption, as electricity will have different prices depending on peak, flat or off-peak hours.
  • Contracts with free prices They are not affected by electricity price changes, but will be tied to the product and the features of their contract. electricity bill.

Less consumption, the best way to save on your bill

Although it seems like a truism after seeing all the concepts that appear on an invoice, we note that consumption is not only the biggest item, but that we can also take some actions to help reduce it.

There are a number of actions that we can take and that will allow us reduce of considerably the monthly electricity bill at our home or at work. Let\’s see some of them below:

  • Optimize light bulb consumption: The bulbs must be LED because they represent a significant energy savings and therefore an economic economy, compared to the other types. In addition, its lifespan is much longer.
  • Reduce the contracted power: Each 1.15 kW of power that is contracted and is not necessary, represents a cost of almost 50 euros per year.
  • You have more efficient devices: The household appliances with the highest levels of energy efficiency, and therefore the ones that consume the least, are A+++. The fridge, freezer, washing machine and dishwasher account for 60% of the electricity cost of household appliances of a house.
  • Disconnect devices in standby or sleep mode: All devices that remain in stand-by or sleep continue to consume constantly, even if they appear to be turned off. Therefore, it is appropriate turn off completely all appliances, which allows saving up to 10% of energy. To do this correctly, you just need to manually disconnect the plugs or install switch strips to disconnect devices that are not in use.
  • Fee change: compare rates from different companies and choose the one that suits us best according to our needs, as well as selecting a tariff with hourly intervals, which changes the price depending on the moment of consumption.
  • Temperature in electric heating: You must try to maintain the right temperature in the heating thermostat control, because for every degree less we can save between 7% and 11% of energy. The ideal temperature is between 19 and 21 degrees during the day and at night it is recommended not to exceed 16 degrees.
  • And the last and most important is opt for self-consumption renewable energysuch as the installation of photovoltaic solar panels. They are clean energies that amortize in a few years and which, once they have passed, represent the biggest savings on the electricity bill.

Other tricks to reduce the bill

There is also the possibility of saving on the electricity bill with small actions and changes in our routine. Here are some little tricks:

  • drying clothes: It is much better to dry clothes in the open air than with a dryer, because it is one of the most energy-consuming in the house.
  • Slight changes in temperature. Never raise the temperature of the electric heater suddenly, but gradually.
  • Make the most of natural lightraising blinds and opening curtains and drapes.
  • Good insulation. Insulate your home to keep heat out in the winter by covering door cracks, raising blinds to let the sun in and warm naturally, etc.
  • Always turn off the lights which are not used.
  • Do not abuse the oven because it consumes a lot of energy.
  • Take advantage of the residual heat of the ceramic hob stopping it a little before the food is ready.
  • Avoid opening the refrigerator too much and store it at 5º for refrigeration and -18º for freezing.
  • use washing machine with programs for temperatures between 40 and 60 degreeswhich implies an economy of 40%.

The best way to control spending is to be aware of your consumption. That\’s why, at , we launched I am POWERFULan application (APP) that allows you to have controlled consumption always. In real time you can know the consumption and know how much energy was obtained through the solar panels and how much from the grid.

thanks to ml P.O.W we can know the accumulated month by month to analyze the hours and the usual behavior of the house. a great tool which will help us to put solutions that contribute to reducing the amount of the electricity bill.