Income benefits for installing solar panels 2023

The deadline for draw up the Profit and Loss Statement in 2023 to have the tax payment for 2022 in order, started on April 11 and the Revenue campaign will last until June 30. As you know, in Spain there are a number of tax deductions and benefits, including benefits in the income account for the installation of solar panels in 2023.

Installing solar panels in homes, businesses and communities has several goals. One of them is improving environmental sustainability by promoting the use of clean and renewable energy (solar energy) in favor of the energy transition. On an economic level, financial aids and user subsidies allow them to save by owning PV installations, in addition to economic savings on their electricity bill.

But it is that, in addition, you can request Personal income tax deductions in the 2022 profit and loss account connected to the net base of each taxpayer, so it is an opportunity to better capitalize on the advantages and opportunities of solar energy in Spain for consumers. Bearing in mind that this deduction is valid from October 6, 2021 to December 31, 2023.

Which ones in particular and which examples facilitate a better understanding of this issue? We will explain in detail in this article how to get tax benefits in your income statement for installing solar panels 2023 and help you be more clear so that you take into account if you are a user of self-consumption in homesbeyond the fact that the delivery is made online, by phone or in person.


How to get tax benefits for installing solar panels 2023

As stated on the website of the Fiscal Agency (Ministry of Finance and Civil Service), taxpayers can claim a deduction for works to improve the consumption of non-renewable primary energy.

More precisely, they give the right to personal income tax deduction those \»that allow the reduction of the non-renewable primary energy consumption indicator by at least 30% or that achieve an improvement in the energy rating of the home to obtain an \»A\» or \»B\» energy class, on the same scale. of qualification\».

How the energy consumption reduction indicator is accredited

In order to obtain the benefits of the Income Statement for the installation of solar panels in 2023, it is necessary to demonstrate that this improvement in the non-renewable primary energy consumption indicator is indeed occurring. Or, as the case may be, improving the energy rating.

The way of accreditation is by presenting a Certificate of energy efficiency of the house. This EWC is issued by a competent technician \»before the start of the work (for these purposes, the EWC issued not more than two years before the start of the work) and at the end of the work\».

The second certificate after the completion of the works necessary for the realization of the photovoltaic installation is the one that accredits the improvement. In this sense, you must know that the qualification is issued by the Autonomous Community at the time when the certificates are registered.

Maximum basis of application and percentage of tax exemption

Now that we are in the Income Statement filing period, it is time to learn about two basic aspects of the income benefits for installing solar panels in 2023. One of them is the maximum basis of application and another is the percentage of tax exemption. personal income tax.

Regarding the first question, the the maximum application base is 7,500 euros, having to subtract from the base the present and future subsidies (in the application phase) that are received. This means that if the Net Base is €1,500 or less, the full amount cannot be deducted. In addition, the taxpayer is entitled to a reduction of the Taxable Base, but it is important to state that he will not be entitled to a refund.

In other words, according to the Revenue 2022 practical manual of the Fiscal Agency, \»those amounts which, if applicable, have been subsidized by a public aid program or would be subsidized by virtue of the final resolution granting such aid.

Also the tax reduction percentage is 40%also that it must be appreciated that according to the Fiscal Agency, \»if the deduction is made in the income tax return of the corresponding natural persons and, subsequently, a subsidy is granted whose amount corresponds to the amounts that were part of the deduction. base, the tax situation must be regulated so that the amounts corresponding to the mentioned subsidy are not included in the deduction base (with a limit to the maximum annual deduction base).


Examples of application of maximum basis and tax relief

The first example is how to get rental benefits for a PV installation that had a the cost of one 10,000 euros. With the maximum deduction base of 7,500 euros and percentage discount of 40%, he the amount to be deducted is 3,000 euros. In the situation where tax subsidies are received after the presentation of the income declaration, you must regularize it in the income tax of natural persons afterwards.

The second example is for a photovoltaic installation with a cost of 10,000 euros. With the maximum base of 7,500 euros and one grant of 2,500 eurosTHE the deductible base is 5,000 euros. adding a 40% discount rate.he the amount to be deducted is 2,000 euros.

The economic advantages of installing solar panels in Spain

As commented in this explanatory article, in Spain there are various financial aids and subsidies that can be claimed if solar panels are installed in homes, communities or companies. These aids are of three types and are European, regional and municipal in nature. As seen, they must be considered when prepare the 2023 income statement.

  • European aid, managed by the Autonomous Communities, comes from Next Generation fundswith a certain amount for each region.
  • Tax deductions for personal income tax.
  • Tax deductions in some regionssuch as the Community of Madrid.
  • Municipal aid and bonuses in taxes such as Real Estate Tax (IBI), Facilities, Construction and Works Tax (ICIO) and Economic Activities Tax (IAE).

These aids are part of the economic advantages that photovoltaic installations have for users who generate electricity through solar energy. And in the case of requesting or requesting them (and receiving them if the required requirements are met), they must be included in the calculation of the benefits in the Income Statement for the installation of solar panels in 2023, as detailed in .