Self-consumers flowing into the network excess energy from photovoltaic installations you know how much money you could get for it. The operator of Spain\’s electricity gridthe national electricity system publishes daily, at 20.20, the price per megawatt-hour (MWh) for the following day on the website of the system operator eSios.
Produce, share and get compensated for your energy
After the recent approval of Royal Decree 244/2019 on April 5, 2019, Spaniards have full freedom to produce their own energy. They could also share it so that with only one photovoltaic installation more consumers can benefit from the service.
In addition, if the user has a surplus of energy, which he did not enjoy after it was produced, and integrates it into the grid, he could receive economic compensations that will help him reduce his the electricity bill.
The value of excess energy: compensation is easy
Due to simplified compensation, the energy produced by the self-consumer, but you don\’t get to use it, it may mean a lower monthly expense. If you pour it into the network, you will get economic compensation in the current month in the energy part of your bill.
Note that you won\’t be able to save them for the next month, nor will you be able to earn money with them, but the savings it will bring you are considerable.
If you have a regulated rate or PVPC contract with a reference market, you can now find out what these surpluses are worth by checking the website of the system operator eSios every day at 20:20, where you will find the compensation prices. for the next day.
The value of excess energy from photovoltaic installations it is obtained every day by subtracting the cost of the detours from the average hourly price, not counting the access fees.
Imagine that in a month, your consumption in kWh, multiplied by the price of energy from the tariff you contracted, amounts to 50 euros. If the amount of energy you didn\’t use that month equals or exceeds this amount, the energy part of your bill would be free for you. If in the end the amount is less, that expense would be deducted from €50 of total consumption.
Great, right? To benefit from this simplified way of compensation, you just need to register photovoltaic installation as a \»surplus\» installation in telematic mode, and it is completely free.
Photovoltaic installations for collective self-consumption
Consumers who sign up to collective self-consumption they must install a generation meter in the PV installations they wish to share and be able to distribute the energy freely, based on the agreements they themselves decide.
Within this modality it can be produced in two ways:
- On the one hand, facilities solar panels close to the internal network, when user installations are directly connected to the same internal network, as in a community of neighbors or a company building.
- On the other hand, amenities photovoltaic panels connected through the network, for which one of these conditions must be met: there must be a distance of less than 500 m between them, they must come from the same transformation center or their cadastral references must coincide in the first 14 digits.
Do you want to know more advantages of installing solar panels in your home? Feel free to ask for more information here about photovoltaic self-consumption for homes.