The electric bill arrives and we feel that strange feeling of anguish: did we spend this month? Well, with just a few small changes in our eating habits, we can reduce electricity consumption in our home and end that daily uncertainty.
By saving efficiently in our homes we can help not to damage the planet we live on.
Practical tips to save
Use energy-saving light bulbs
This small improvement could save you up to 75% energy, an energy saving light bulb can consume up to 10 times less than a traditional one.
Defrost the refrigerator
It is good from time to time to remove the frost that appears, it creates an insulation that can influence an additional energy consumption of up to 20%.
The thermostat must be at a constant temperature
The thermostat should always be at a temperature of 20°, not if you don\’t turn on the heating all day and if you put it at 24° at the end you will save more because every degree above 20° means 7% more in electricity consumption .
Use renewable energy
It has been shown that solar energy it is more stable, safe and beneficial, both for housing and the environment. In addition to achieving independence from external energy companies. Join the change, because it all starts with the sun.
In this post, we leave you some tricks save up to 50% on the electricity bill.
There are devices that make it easier for us
Use state-of-the-art equipment
You must have heard that \»cheap is expensive\». Something similar happens with electrical appliances. Choosing class A appliances, which manage their energy in a more efficient way, will avoid additional consumer expenses.
Learn to use the fridge
- Think before you open. Being clear about what we are going to take out of the fridge, before opening it, prevents the loss of cold. Have you thought about the time you spend in front of it, staring at infinity?
- Listen to the manufacturer and adjust the temperature.
- Keep it away from other appliances that generate heat, such as a radiator or oven.
- Did you know that if you keep the back of your fridge clean, you save on your electricity bill?
Take care of the washing machine
Although it may not seem like it, the little red light on your TV is an extra waste of energy. Keeping household appliances on standby represents 11% of electricity consumption, therefore it is advisable to completely switch off all electrical appliances (DVD, TV, computer…), disconnect technological devices (mobile phone, tablet, laptop) and keep them only at the outlet. as possible. essential.
You cook very well, but how efficiently?
If you have a stove or ceramic hob, turn it off two or three minutes before you finish cooking and you\’ll notice a change in your bill. Also, if you use a pressure cooker, we recommend using it. It\’s faster and you\’ll use less energy.
Don\’t be impatient and wait for the oven to finish
Let it finish. Do not open the door while working.
Do you wash or put in the dishwasher?
Contrary to what it seems, if you intend to wash with hot water, it is better to use the dishwasher, to save electricity consumption.
And what about the computer?
It is recommended to choose the computer with energy saving system and LED technology, from now on save up to 40% of electricity consumption. In addition, avoiding the use of the screen saver and adjusting the brightness of the screen also helps us to save on the electricity bill.
You also save away from home. Reduce electricity consumption in your company.
Sometimes we don\’t realize that outside the house we continue to spend extra energy. Reduce electricity consumption in your company It is also possible by following some recommendations, such as using light only when necessary, choosing low-cost light bulbs, turning off office equipment when leaving, adjusting the thermostat, reading meters and regularly monitoring energy.