According to a study conducted by Stanford University (United States) and carried out in 2017, 139 countries globally (which accounts for 99% of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide), including Spainhave sufficient capacity to be 100% self-sufficient in energy in the year 2050 through the use of clean and renewable energy (wind, hydro and solar energy).
This is how it is tracked to create energy self-sufficient countries while taking care of the environment. Besides, that would mean creating millions of jobs, reducing between four and seven million annual deaths from air pollution, stabilizing energy prices and saving over $20 billion a year in costs associated with health and climate. A 100% renewable future may
The example of Cape Verde, an archipelago of 10 islands occupying about 600 kilometers west of Senegal, is a mirror in which we should all look. This country has decided to take a step forward and become fully self-sufficient with clean and renewable energy in the year 2025.
Today\’s society is more and more aware of the care for the environment, especially for young people, trying to reach a 100% responsible energy consumption, with the ultimate goal of reaching to supply ourselves exclusively with renewable energy sources. But for achieving a correct energy transition it is necessary that involvementboth GOVERNMENTS through financial aid and legislationfrom citizens through awareness policies.
Forecasts of renewable energy self-sufficiency in Spain
Spain is one of the countries in Europe that benefit the most from the sun and could easily imitate Cape Verde\’s model of sourcing energy through the use of renewable energies such as solar energy.
According to recent studies, Spain could be powered entirely by renewable energy by 2050: 33.5% with onshore wind; 17.2% with solar panels in homes; 13.6% with offshore wind; 11.0% with concentrated solar energy; 8.4% with solar plants; 8.3% with solar panels on commercial and government buildings; 6.3% with hydropower plants; 1.5% with wave energy (from waves) and 0.2% with tidal energy.
This would allow our country could arrive in 2050 with a 44% reduction in energy demand, with approximately 17,400 fewer deaths per year due to air pollution, approximately €150,000 million in health and climate savings and the creation of approximately 300,000 direct jobs related to the renewable energy sector.
The benefits of a solar country\’s self-sufficiency
Although fossil fuel energy has been efficient until a few years ago, the time has come to make a change in consumer opinion that allows us to use cheaper and greener energy such as solar energy.
An energy model based on renewable sources provides secondary benefits. By ending the use of oil, gas and uranium it would eliminate the energy costs associated with mining, transporting and refining these materialswith which international energy demand would decrease by 13%.
Besides, countries should not depend on each other for fossil fuels, which would reduce international conflicts focused on energy.
Even the problem that daily and seasonal fluctuations in the availability of wind, water and solar energy can pose can be solved in several ways, since, in addition, the cost of clean energy is a quarter of the current fossil fuel system and the initial base . technology investments would be recouped over time by reducing costs related to health and climate effects.
REPower EU, the new plan of the European Union
Due to the current war between Ukraine and Russia, The European Commission just launched The REPower EU planthrough European energy independence on Russia\’s fossil fuels by 2030, starting first with natural gas.
This plan seeks increases the resistance of the energy system throughout the European Union based on:
- The diversification of gas supply by increasing imports of liquefied natural gas and pipelines from non-Russian suppliers.
- Reduce the use of fossil fuels in homes, industries and buildings, promoting energy efficiency and increasing renewable energy and electrification.
Therefore, it is desired promotes the use of renewable energy as quickly as possible, since it represents a cheap, clean and potentially inexhaustible source of energy. The war in Ukraine demonstrated the urgency to accelerate the transition to clean energy in the European Union.
In the Power we bet on solar energy for its countless advantages that we already know and the possibilities it still has for development and implantation. If you want to take the step to a green energy and do this more sustainable world It\’s time to contact us. We will be happy to help you start your project.