Clean and renewable energies | distinction

Most people often confuse the terms clean energy and renewable energy, using both words interchangeably as synonyms. But nothing is further from the truth because these are different concepts.

The renewable energy is the one that is obtained from a source that never ends. This may be because that source is inexhaustible nature, as is the case with the sun or the wind (at least and theoretically, for millions of years). Although it can also be inexhaustible because the rate of natural replacement of the energy source is greater than the rate of expenditure. This last case, for example, is that of wood biomass. It can be 100% renewable if the resources that generate wood are renewed at a higher rate than they are expended.

The green energy is one that during its production it does not emit harmful elements into the atmosphere and does not pollute less compared to other energies.

However, although they are different concepts, they are not exclusive, ie an energy can be clean and renewable at the same time. Some energies are renewable because they come from an inexhaustible resource and at the same time they are clean because they hardly pollute, but it should be noted that not all clean energies come from renewable sources.

Likewise, there are renewable energies that are not entirely clean because they emit pollutants into the environment, such as renewable wood biomass, because when burned it produces emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect.

As we have just seen, in many cases the concepts overlap, but in others they do not. That\’s why it\’s important to know the nuances and differences.

why are they confused

As I\’ve commented before, it\’s more than usual to talk about clean or renewable energy interchangeably, referring to the same concept, but why is this? The answer is simple confusion occurs for the simple fact that many renewable energies can be clean and conversely, many clean energies can also be renewable.

I mean, there are energy sources that have both characteristics simultaneously. This happens, for example, in the case of wind and solar energy, both of which are clean and renewable at the same time. For this reason people tend to confuse them, using the two terms as if they were synonymous.

But as I made clear, they are not. The line that separates them is very fine and it can happen that the same energy source is clean, impure, renewable and non-renewable at the same time, depending on how it is generated.

The main differences between renewable energy and clean energy

Renewable energy and clean energy are two concepts that refer to two different things. let\’s see next some of the most significant differences between both types of energy:

  • Renewable energy does not run out, but it may or may not be clean, in the sense that it may produce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Clean energy is that which does not emit into the atmosphere and does not pollute in any way. Or it can achieve these emissions, but being climate neutral, meaning the emissions are offset. In this way, this type of energy does not change the weather conditions or pollute the surroundings.
  • Renewable energies come from resources such as the sun, wind, water or terrestrial heat -geothermal-, which offer accelerated renewals. While clean energy can come from the same resources, but also from others, such as natural gas, which has low pollutant emissions that can be considered clean, but not renewable.

Renewable and clean energy

Although they all are sustainable energy, that an energy is renewable does not mean that it is clean, and that an energy is clean does not mean that it is renewable. For this reason, when we refer to non-polluting and unlimited energies, the ideal is to speak of \»clean and renewable energies\». The energies that fulfill these two aspects are the best alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear power.

The best option is the one that gives us an energy that combines both types of energy. I mean a fully sustainable and environmentally friendly energy will be a renewable and clean energy. Between energies that offer the two great advantages of being green and also renewable find each other:

  • Solar energy. promotions high potential for self-consumption of electricity. Solar energy can be of two types:
  • photovoltaic energy. It is obtained through solar panels that convert solar energy into electricity.
  • Thermal energy. Solar panels convert energy from the sun into thermal energy, which is used for heating or hot water.
  • Wind power. It is obtained by windmills whose blades generate electricity when moved by the wind.
  • Geothermal energy. It takes advantage of the heat inside the earth to transform it into thermal energy.
  • Hydraulic energy. Harness the power of water through hydraulic turbines to generate electricity.
  • marine energy. It is obtained from tidal force (tide) or wave force (wave).

Coward clean and renewable energy they are inexhaustible and represent a crucial element in the fight against climate change. In addition, they do not pose risks to human health, provide countries with energy independence, are fully sustainable and increasingly competitive. The reasons for using clean renewable energy are many and weighty.