Green energy, renewable energy or clean energy, is the one that is produced thanks to the 100% renewable sources that we find in nature. Therefore, all energy is that It is obtained from inexhaustible natural sources and which contribute to the care of the environment. In recent years, this type of energy has become increasingly important because it helps combat climate change without producing greenhouse gases or polluting emissions.
By using green or renewable energies we will be able to reduce the use of natural resources and at the same time the deterioration of the environment related to the exploitation of its resources, at the same time that there is a lower greenhouse gas emissions.
At present, we can be consumers of green electricityeither through self-consumption thanks to, for example, solar photovoltaic installations, or through marketers selling green energy to their customers to promote and expand efficient consumption from renewable sources.
Why is it called green electricity?
Green electricity is that which comes from green energy, i.e. from energy that is obtained from inexhaustible natural sources. Although there are other types of green energy such as wind, hydraulic or geothermal, solar energy is one of the most comfortable and easy to produce as well as install in a home. Solar energy is produced as a result of the light emitted by the sun (photovoltaic energy) or its heat (thermal or thermal energy). thanks to solar energy therefore we produce green electricity or green heat.
Green electricity is completely environmentally friendly, as it does not emit greenhouse gases. It is also renewable and inexhaustible because it is not finite in the short term and will be available for at least another 7 billion years. Besides, It doesn\’t pollute because its production process does not generate toxic substances or pollutants that harm the environment. Therefore, it is a completely clean electricity because to produce it you don\’t have to burn fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
What advantages does green electricity from a photovoltaic installation offer?
There is a wide range of advantages offered by the use of green electricity thanks to a photovoltaic installation both at home and in industry. Here are some of the most significant:
- It\’s electricity rent. Installing solar panels allows you to make big savings on your electricity bill. In addition, there is the possibility of finance the installation of solar self-consumption and no upfront cost.
- very easy maintenance.
- promotions energy independence as it does not depend on the purchase from third parties. Green electricity allows us to be more independent from the grid if we choose to install our own solar photovoltaic panels. Each person will be able to produce part of the electricity needed for household needs. This energy independence also allows avoiding the impact of fluctuating electricity prices on the market.
- Efficiency energetic.
- Durability.
- Environment protection. It is green energy because photovoltaic panels have the advantage of producing clean energy.
- Conservation of natural resources due to the fact that it is an energy obtained through inexhaustible energy sources such as the sun.
The price of green electricity
It should be noted that the price of green or renewable electricity is not higher than other energies. However, it is important that if we decide to contract this type of electricity, we look for the company that offers the best conditions and prices, as this can vary greatly from one to another. For this, we need to compare the different green light offers on the market, also looking for the tariff that best suits our needs and consumption habits. The conditions of a green light tariff depend directly on the company with which the client concluded the contract, as each marketer is free to set his own.