What can we do to avoid climate change?

Helping stop climate change is in our hands. Planet Earth is immersed in an accelerated process of climate change that can have devastating effects if we don\’t fix it. The increase in air pollution in recent years has caused a significant increase in global average temperature. For this worrying reason, more and more countries, organizations and associations are actively fighting against climate change and its consequences, offering us a series of recommendations to reduce its impact.

It is up to us to stop this change through various daily actions, including doing a responsible energy consumption. Thanks to this fact, we will be able to effectively fight for environmental sustainability, because by reducing energy consumption we simultaneously reduce the cost of production, pollute less and contribute to improving the health of the planet.

Via the use of renewable energy We will be able to reduce the use of natural resources and, at the same time, the damage to the environment related to the exploitation of its resources, while producing a lower emission of greenhouse gases.

Renewable energies against climate change

By renewable energies we mean all those that they are obtained from inexhaustible natural sources and that generate energy without contributing to global warming.

Although there are other types of renewable energies such as wind, hydraulic or geothermal, solar energy is one of the easiest to produce. Solar energy is produced as a result of the light emitted by the sun (photovoltaic energy) or its heat (thermal or thermal energy). Thanks to solar energy, we produce electricity or heat.

This is an environmentally friendly energy that helps avoid global warming as it does not emit greenhouse gases, thus fighting against climate change. It is also renewable and unavoidable, because it is not finite in the short term and will be available for at least another 7 billion years. In addition, it does not pollute because its transformation into thermal or photovoltaic energy does not produce toxic substances or pollutants that damage the environment. Therefore, it is a completely clean energy because to produce it you do not need to burn fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Measures against climate change in our home

It is essential that let\’s reduce energy consumption In our house. We can do this in a simple way, just by changing our daily habits and actions, thus contributing to reducing our CO2 footprint on the climate (The carbon footprint is an environmental indicator that reflects the totality of greenhouse gases emitted as a direct or indirect effect of a home or person or company, etc.).

To achieve this responsible consumption we can take a series of simple daily actions that will reduce our carbon footprint. Some of the most effective are the following:

  • Acquire appliances with the best energy rating. We have to look at its energy label, being the most energy efficient and therefore those that consume the least those labeled A and the least efficient or those that consume the most those labeled G.
  • Turn off the lights when we are not in the rooms.
  • They have a good insulation on doors and windows.
  • Use energy saving LED bulbs which last up to 30 times longer and save 80% of light.
  • Defrost the refrigerator regularlybecause when the walls are covered with frost, the engine has to work harder and its consumption increases.
  • Turn off electrical appliances when not in usebecause they also consume even if they are in stand-by mode.
  • In the Winter open blinds and drapes when it\’s sunny to heat the house naturally and in summer lower the blinds during the sunniest hours and lift and air them when the sun goes down, to use as little refrigerators as possible.
  • Keep a stable temperature around 25 degrees in summer and 20 degrees in winter.
  • Adjust the temperature of the refrigerator at the time of year we meet.
  • don\’t start without appliances until it fills up.
  • use a condensing boiler or low temperature.
  • Do not leave the taps open if we don\’t use water. It is always better to shower than to bathe.
  • water at night so that the water takes less time to evaporate.

Measures against climate change in transport

The processing and refining of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas is one of the elements that pollutes the environment the most. It is important to know that for every liter of gasoline, 2.35 kg of CO2 are emitted into the atmosphere. For this reason, it is also in our hands to achieve actions that allow us to save fuel and thus reduce emissions into the atmosphere:

  • Must try not to use the car unless absolutely essential, using public transport as much as possible.
  • When we stop our vehicle in a traffic jam or wait on the street, it is convenient turn off the engine.
  • The driving should be smooth without braking or accelerating to save up to 15% fuel.
  • Turn on the air conditioner only if necessary because it consumes 25% more fuel.

As we have seen, there are many ways to help today in the fight against climate change. For this it is necessary to change our mentality and, consequently, our behavior. This is how we will help you our planet is healthier and that future generations can enjoy it as we have.