What is the future of Solar Photovoltaic Energy?

It\’s to be expected In 2030, 34% of the world\’s electricity will come from renewable energies.such as wind and solar, and that too during the year 2040 this percentage reaches 50%. He the future of photovoltaic solar energy is therefore promising and represents a sustainable, clean and low-maintenance alternative and which offers many benefits, the most important being no emissions of harmful gases in the atmosphere and savings.

The Sunlight is a resource that all countries of the world have to a greater or lesser extent. For this reason, if we could use solar energy more efficiently, the economy of all countries would change radically, ceasing to depend on big companies as well as third countries. It is essential to promote greater energy independence in countries, which results in a greater stability.

Lost advances in solar energy are constant, and what was unthinkable a few years ago is now a reality. Research into new materials makes it possible to manufacture cheaper photovoltaic cells, and in the not-too-distant future they may be integrated into buildings, vehicles or even clothing.

The use of solar energy in the future is not only important because of the social and environmental values ​​it offers, but also if photovoltaic panels were installed in a home or generated by neighborhoods in a city, it would be a more efficient model. this would mean a significant saving for users.

Distributed generation model

A future model that is already starting to be implemented in some cities is the distributed or decentralized generation. It consists in the generation of electricity through many small generation sources that are installed near the points of consumption (microgeneration). Distributed generation is based on the cooperation between this microgeneration and the generation of conventional plants. The microgeneration involves the use of renewable energy, which contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions. In this way, it is not so dependent on large power plants.

Types of microgeneration:

  • Photovoltaic solar panels. By installing solar panels in a building, we make it self-sufficient and also contribute part of the electricity to the city\’s power grid.
  • wind turbines. Small wind generators that are installed in a lighting source, generally public, with the aim of the street lights being autonomously self-powered. In turn, wind turbines can supply the grid with the energy they do not need for lighting.
  • Vehicle to Network (V2G). In plug-in electric or hybrid vehicles, the flow of electricity can be reversed thanks to smart grids or smart grids. In other words, the car itself can supply electricity to the grid at times when it is not in use. In this case, the advantage is the speed with which the energy can be delivered to the network, since not all sources of generation can be so immediate, as they need time to generate it.

Benefits of a distributed generation model

The future commitment to distributed generation is justified by various benefits it offers abet for the electrical network as well as for the economy and the environment:

  • Benefits in the electrical network. This type of model leads to a reduction in losses in the network, because by generating electricity close to the points of consumption it is realized that less needs to be transported from large power plants, which means that transmission and distribution lines are less loaded and losses their electrical costs are reduced, which for a household consumer are estimated at 15-20%.
  • Economic benefits. Distributed generation has the ability to reduce the wholesale market price of electricity because it acts as a decrease in total energy demand, although it is a very difficult economy to quantify. It is also attributed with other economic benefits such as increased economic activity and job creation.
  • environmental benefits. They are all those that appear as a result of the use of renewable energies, the most important being the reduction of CO2 emissions and other polluting gases, the fight against climate change and the increase of security of supply through less dependence on other energies imported from abroad. .

All these varied benefits have brought Distributed generation is one of the pillars on which the energy transition is supported in many countries, which promote this type of facility through public policies.

The future evolution of photovoltaic materials

More and more progress is being made in research and development new materials for making solar panels. It is intended that, in the not too distant future, the board responsible for converting solar energy will become paper-thin, and in this way keep costs down.

Our country is a privileged place regarding the annual hours of sunlight and the future of solar photovoltaic energy should focus on in-depth knowledge How to use this energy efficiently. The goal is to be able to supply all households with solar energy through photovoltaic self-consumption in homesgets around thanks to solar energy in transport and manufactures mobile or laptop batteries that can be quickly and easily charged with solar energy.

Other advances that are being investigated are, for example, fully autonomous electric cars with photovoltaic windows and solar panels on the roof, photovoltaic paint capable of generating electricity, photovoltaic glass for buildings, photovoltaic tiles, etc.

In the P.O.W I advise you to get maximum savings and maximum profitability in your photovoltaic installation your information and advice all the time on the latest news and technologies in the sector. This way you can always have the most innovative and efficient materials and devices in your solar installation.