Installation of solar panels for air conditioning It is an important innovation in the solar energy sector. We are used to using panels to supply electricity to all kinds of electrical devices, but air conditioning usually requires a specific installation which will only be used on hot summer days. In addition, more and more people and companies are opting for solar energy to power their air conditioners because the great advantages it offers compared to traditional electricityboth environmental and saving.
To achieve the most suitable and optimal installation for place to live a companywe should contact the hands of specialized companies with qualified professionals and extensive experience in the field of solar energy. We also have to consider what are the characteristics of the balm which I acquired:
- Appliance refrigerators, which are the unit of measure for refrigeration systems
- Features and power of solar panels
- The power of the air conditioner
- Approximate budget
It is important to emphasize that type of solar panels are used for air conditioning SOLARthat is, it generates electricity through sunlight to power all kinds of electronic devices, such as air conditioning.
These tiles should be installed on the outside of the building with an optimal orientation so that they receive the greatest amount of solar radiation possible. The air conditioner will be connected directly to the boards through a simple installation. let\’s see next the most important characteristics of photovoltaic installations for use with air conditioning units.
Types of solar panels for air conditioning
As I commented before, the solar panels that are used to produce energy for air conditioning are SOLAR. Within them there is various types according to the type of cell that conforms them. Most solar panels are crystalline silicon cells, as they were the first to be introduced to the market.
Lost Photovoltaic solar panels can be divided into three groups depending on the type of cell they are composed of:
- monocrystalline panels. They represent 90% of the solar energy market. They are made up of a single crystal of silicon and are very useful for places where there is little exposure to the sun during the day as they offer very good performance in low light conditions. They present the highest efficiency values, around 17%, and their useful life can reach 40 years. When exposed to light, their color is dark blue.
- polycrystalline panels. They are formed from a set of silicon crystals. Its efficiency is lower than that of monocrystalline panels, although its progress has been greater in recent years because its manufacture is much simpler and cheaper. They can be recognized by their color, dark blue almost black, and provide a high speed in the heating process.
- thin film panels. These panels are not crystalline, but consist of several layers of photovoltaic material. Amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, indium, gallium or selenium are used for their manufacture and they are the cheapest on the market. Thin film materials are able to absorb photons very efficiently, although to a lesser extent than crystalline silicon cells.
The advantages of using solar panels for air conditioning
When we use solar panels for air conditioning, we must take into account the fact that its use is seasonal because we only use air in the warm months. At the same time, these months coincide with a higher level of solar radiation, which makes the use of plates an ideal power supply system, although somewhat expensive.
These are The main advantages of using solar panels for air conditioners:
- Savings on the bill. Air conditioning causes your electricity consumption and energy bill to increase significantly during the hot summer months, as it is a device that needs a large amount of electricity to operate at full capacity. With a photovoltaic installation, we ensure that its use, even if it is very large, has no impact on the electricity bill.
- Green energy. Solar energy is a sustainable and renewable energy that does not generate any harmful residue for the environment.
- Greater adaptability. The new panels allow the adaptation of the solar installation in any space. In addition, we will be able to choose the ideal type of plate that best suits our air conditioning system, since solar panels are made of different materials and with different characteristics.
Power required for an air conditioner
Determine what power of solar panels we will need in our installation it is essential know the air conditioning fridges which we are going to buy A frigorie is a unit of measurement that is equivalent to one kilocalorie/hour and is used to measure the power of cold air heaters. We will also have to consider its consumption.
The most common thing is that we have a general solar power system to which various electrical devices can be connected, although more and more users are installing solar panels focused on electrical devices and specific uses, such as air conditioning.
Average, the air conditioner has about 2,500-3,000 refrigerators and a consumption of about 1,000 W/hour. However, depending on use, consumption may increase or decrease. For a standard consumption of an air conditioner, the usual thing is that we need only for this, an installation of four monocrystalline solar panels.