Make a correction maintenance of the solar panels of a photovoltaic installation It is an essential element if we want to get one optimal performance a installation as well as extending its life.
All solar panels, regardless of their type, require correct and regular maintenance a place to live.
Carry out a proper cleaning of the solar panels, check the condition of the installation components, monitor their performance or control solar inverterThese are some fundamental aspects that we must always keep in mind.
Lost Solar panels typically have a useful life of about 25 or 30 years. Their regular maintenance ensures that the photovoltaic system always operates at full capacity and makes the most of the energy provided by the sun.
Clean solar panels are more efficient
And key factor in solar panel maintenance is that they are always clean. You can simply clean the panels with rainwater, but also it is convenient to clean them manually at least once or twice a year to remove the most persistent traces of dirt.
Dirty solar panels absorb less solar energy and are therefore much less efficient, generative with up to 30% less energy than a clean panel.
But ?what should we to consider when cleaning a solar panel?
- We must never use abrasive substances and which can damage the surface of the solar panel.
- When cleaning, it is necessary to be very careful not to scratch them dragging scraps of sand or gravel, for this reason it should never be dry cleaned.
- use a damp cloth and mild neutral soap.
- it fits avoid hard water because lime can leave white spots.
- Do not use solvents.
In any case, due to the difficult access and its technical complexity, it is recommended that this task be carried out by a specialized company.
visual check
Periodic maintenance of the photovoltaic installation is a task that must be entrusted to a specialized companyas this affects its life extension.
However, it should be users to visually inspect panels occasionally, as there are certain anomalies which may be evident and which may have an easy solution if stopped in time.
Performance control and monitoring
Another task in the maintenance work of solar panels is checking if its performance is optimal and if all possible solar energy is obtained.
To obtain this information we will help each other from solar inverter, which provides very useful data about the plant\’s performance. In turn, some installation companies offer mobile apps that collect performance data.
Using these tools, when a strange variation in the performance of the installation occurs and it will be possible to act on it at this point.
solar inverter
He investor solar is a fundamental as well as very delicate element in the photovoltaic installation and which gives us basic information about system performance.
For this reason it is essential to carry out a proper maintenance of this item.
Maintenance of other elements of the installation
The correct operation of the solar panels is directly related to the maintenance of other elements of the installation. Each solar installation has its own particularities.
It\’s important to perform reviews At least once a year of the storage tankbecause it contains essential parts for capturing and transforming solar energy.
It is also convenient check the condition of the insulating rubbers and check if there is structural damage, such as cracks, leaks, tears or damage caused by bad weather.
If our photovoltaic installation has batterywe also need to make a series of specific maintenance:
- External cleaning of batteries and checking for damage at least once a year.
- Checking the connections, that they are in good condition and fixed, locating any damaged areas, etc.
- Check about five times a year that the water level is correct.