Capacity of new solar installations in Spain in 2022

The energy transition to a green economy that respects the environment has renewable energy as one of the central axes. In this context, we need to talk about solar photovoltaic energy and how it has evolved the power of new solar installations in Spainas part of clean energy generation strategies without CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

This analysis must be done with the following approach: the decarbonization process to achieve neutral emissions proposed by the European Union and the security of energy supply require a renewable capacity of 1,100 GW. This is where the most used renewable energies come into play and, with an emphasis on our country, where solar energy occupies one of the first positions.

Looking ahead, there are several factors influencing the expansion of the use of sunlight to generate electricity in homes or businesses. In addition to the progressive reduction of costs, manufacturing processes without a carbon footprint and a longer useful life of the installations, the increase in the installed capacity in recent years is also worth mentioning.

In this way, at we want to carry out an analysis of the power of new solar installations in Spain, expanding the content of other articles in which we have dealt with, for example, Approvals required for the installation of solar panels.


What is the power of solar panels?

Installed capacity is a term that refers to the existing power generation capacity in a country that allows the supply of all users who demand electricity. These users are companies, services and also private citizens.

Currently, as part of the technologies that make it possible to generate electricity, photovoltaic installations have a output power between 250 and 400 watts (W), approximately. But there are also some with powers that go up to 500 W and, to a lesser extent, there are plates of only 150 W.

This power varies depending on the design of the solar panels themselves and also on the correct inclination of the panels so that they correctly capture the sunlight for the full performance of the installation. Likewise, the power generated by each installation will also depend on the number of plates that form it.

When we talk about the power of the new solar installations in Spain, it must be clarified that these W are the ones that are produced for every hour of sunshine. Taking the figure of 300 W as an example, in one day each solar panel generates a power of 1.5 Kwh taking into account 5 hours of direct sunlight.

Data on photovoltaic self-consumption in Spain in 2022

All the figures mentioned above must also be contextualized in data on photovoltaic self-consumption in Spain in 2022. What are the most important milestones in this field? Let\’s list them below:

Installed power of solar energy for self-consumption

In this regard, data from the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) indicate that last year 2,507 MW of new installed capacity of solar energy for self-consumption were installed. A figure that represented an increase of 108% compared to 2021.

This power corresponds to 200,500 new self-consumption residential installations in Spain, a figure that demonstrates the growing proliferation of self-consumption in homes.

Figures must also be added such as that Spain has an installed power for self-consumption of 5,249 MW and that, by sector, 47% of the new power was installed in the industrial sector. They are followed, with 32%, by the residential sector and, with 20%, by the commercial sector.

Installed power of solar energy on the ground

On the other hand, UNEF has also published data on installed capacity of solar energy on land in Spain in 2022, which reaches 3,217 MW of new power. Which means that in total in our country there is an installed capacity of 19,621 MW, half of the objective set by Integrated National Plan for Energy and Climate 2021-2030 (PNIEC) of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.

This reality meant, in addition to the ecological benefits, the estimated creation of 74,250 direct and indirect jobs, which reflects the economic importance of self-consumption in companies and in job creation.


The future of solar power in Spain

As seen, the year 2022 was a big boost for solar PV in Spain. It should be added, to the previous figures, that Red Eléctrica Española estimated the electricity generated thanks to photovoltaic energy at around 28,000 GWh, 33% more than in 2021. In this way, it is positioned for the first time in the fourth position of electric mixed technologies with 10% of the total.

Therefore, on the path to more responsible energy consumption, which promotes renewable energy and reduces fossil fuels, solar photovoltaic is one of the most valuable sources of energy.

The reality indicates the growing share of installed power and electricity generated by solar installations, thanks to cheaper costs and also policies that include grants -Next Generation-, subsidies and reductions in municipal taxes.

Thus, it entirely depends on all the actors involved in continuing to increase the power of solar installations in Spain and the generation of electricity thanks to them, in order to advance in green and sustainable energy consumption.