Key factors influencing the installation of solar panels

Solar energy is a efficient and totally flexible technology, because we can easily adapt it to our energy consumption needs. Its installation should always be done by specialized companies with extensive experience in the sector.

In order for the installation of solar panels to be fully efficient, to pay for itself in a reasonable period of time and to be completely safe, it is necessary to take into account a number of of the factors that will make the installation a total success.

Key factors: orientation and tilt of PV modules

Among the many factors that directly and indirectly affect the installation of solar panels, two basic ones stand out: the orientation and tilt of the solar panels.


The orientation directly influences the efficiency of solar panels. Before building any type of photovoltaic installation, it is strictly necessary to know the solar radiation that occurs in the chosen location, as well as the trajectory of the sun throughout the year in that place.

In designing most solar panel solutions it is important to have a South orientation for these tiles and thus benefit from the greatest number of hours of sunshine.


he must always look the inclination that allows obtaining the greatest amount of radiation solar panel and install the panels on its basis. The solar panels must be positioned with the perfect inclination and orientation taking into account the principles of “solar geometry\».

For example, on the peninsula, the average inclination with which the tiles are laid is 25º if they are oriented to the south. The further south we move, the less the optimal inclination required will be due to its direct relationship to latitude.

To choose the correct angle of inclination For the efficient production of energy, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions and geographical location of the installation.

Other factors to consider

The type of coverage

will determine structure and support model which is usedn at the facility SOLAR. They allow fixing the solar panel in a certain place giving it firmness and proper orientation.

In the case of a flat roof with greater structural strength, heavier concrete or metal supports can be mounted without perforating the roof, so it will be a \»sail\» installation.

In the case of sloping roofs, it will always be necessary to analyze the orientation and inclination of the water. In the latter case, it is recommended to install a coplanar structure in which the panels are superimposed on the roof plane.

Therefore, the structures on the roofs can be of two types and characteristics:

Coplanar structures:

  • Quick and easy assembly.
  • Lower costs because less materials and labor are needed.
  • They maximize the installed power because they allow the placement of a large number of modules.
  • The wind factor is not decisive, because with good materials there is good support.
  • They are architecturally integrated perfectly.

Sail structures:

  • They have a higher productivity due to the optimal inclination.

Area to cover

Every consumer has specific needs and each place to live a different size. A photovoltaic installation must always be designed based on these two parameters.

The equipment and appliances that are

Note that sometimes it is necessary to replace certain household appliances for the most modern and efficient in the consumption of this type of energy.

solar batteries

A large part of the efficiency of a photovoltaic installation depends on solar batteries that we need to store energy.

This effectiveness, in turn, depends on the correct balance between the number of solar panels (the more you have, the faster the batteries can be charged) and the number of batteries (the more you have, the more energy storage capacity you will have).

Revaluation of the house or building

Why if PV installations will have to wait between 3 and 7 years on average.

At the same time, it must be taken into account that the building is reassessed with a system and therefore the sale price will be higher.

Placement of solar panels

We have to consider wind force or the possibility of external impacts.

The separation between the panels is also important, so that they are not too close to each other, because in addition to being heated by radiation and the outside temperature, they in turn produce heat.