Photovoltaic installations in Agricultural Farms

Agriculture is the economic sector that is most dependent on environmental and climate conditions. For this reason, it must also be one of the sectors he cares about the most get involved by supporting renewable, clean and sustainable energy sources. Climate change can have very negative consequences for agriculture and, by extension, for the economic growth of rural areas.

The photovoltaic energy applied to the agricultural sector It is also an opportunity that allows cost reduction and whose facilities They offer a useful life of over 30 years.

safety and reliability They are fundamental elements when making the decision to install a photovoltaic plant on a farm. For this reason, installation companies currently offer farmers who opt for this type of energy, security measures and tracking, control and monitoring of its facilities. Access to finance is also facilitated and in many cases legal and tax advice is provided.

He The agricultural sector has a very large volume of energy consumption due to production needs, as they have a large amount of equipment to work the land and process the fruits, which implies a very high energy expenditure. In all this process is in which photovoltaic energy plays a fundamental role to solve or complete the demand for energy consumption in this sector.

How to start a photovoltaic installation on a farm?

There are a number of steps we must follow to be able to put a photovoltaic installation into operation on a farm:

  1. Request connection to the electricity transmission network which must be provided by the electricity company in the area. This process can take between one and two months.
  2. Create a photovoltaic installation project and presents it to the College of Engineers in the area for the visa. Charges will be paid based on installed power. This process usually does not exceed two weeks.
  3. Apply for a building permit at the town hall. Some fees need to be paid and the license will be obtained in about two months.
  4. Constitutes the guarantee of the installation. Depending on the power to be installed, the amounts are between 50 euros per kW in installations up to 20 kW and 500 euros per kW in higher installations. The guarantee will be deposited in the General Deposit Fund and will be canceled when the petitioner obtains the final registration in the Administrative Register of the production units under special regime, dependent on the General Direction of Energy Policy and Mines.
  5. Submit the collected documentation in the Administrative Register of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade.
  6. Register in the Pre-Sentencing Register the projects approved by the General Direction of Energy Policy and Mines.
  7. Publication of the result of the remuneration pre-allocation procedure on the website of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce.
  8. Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines will notify you to the owners of the projects that participated in the procedure the final result of your request.
  9. Request for Facility Funding. It is advisable to accompany the financing request to the banking entities with a copy of the approved project and the administrative authorization.

What are the advantages of installing solar panels on a farm?

In the case of a farm the most important advantage which is obtained by installing solar panels is that it benefits, first of all, from a 4% deduction from the profit tax. Second, you get 100% VAT refund supported by the total investment. In third place, selling the electricity produced at the electric company is guaranteed by law for at least 25 years. In the latter case, the income that is received monthly starts to be obtained from the first moment of putting the installation into operation and covers even the financing costs of the investment.

It is estimated that a rooftop solar PV installation can reach a profitability between 9% and 11%, depending on the area in which it is located and its level of solar radiation.

Others important benefits of installing solar panels I\’m on a farm:

  • economic savings between 40 and 60% of the electricity bill, depending on the geographical location, the climate and the quality of the panels.
  • Energy saving.
  • Adaptability. A photovoltaic installation can be completely adapted to the size of the farm, whether it is connected to the electricity grid or works in isolation.
  • Easy and quick installation in a few days.
  • scalability. Photovoltaic installations are scalable, i.e. the size of the installation increases according to the energy needs.
  • Fast depreciation. Photovoltaic installations are amortized between 3 and 7 years depending on the type and size of the installation, the quality of the technology used and the hours of the day of the location.
  • Long-term component warranty. Most installation components offer guarantees that reach up to 25-30 years.
  • Easy maintenance. The maintenance of photovoltaic installations is minimal, it is only necessary once a year to check that everything is working correctly.

What is the best location for solar panels on a farm?

In general terms installing solar panels on farm roofs is much more advantageous for the following reasons:

  • The risk of theft is considerably reduced.
  • Obtaining permits and evacuation points is much easier.
  • Most farms have large open areas with no roof shadows.