Photovoltaic Installations in Neighboring Communities

A growing number of neighborhood communities are looking for a type of sustainable energy self-sufficiency in which care for the environment is also taken into account by reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere that come from fossil fuels. The high price of electricity has encouraged many communities that were still hesitant to make the jump to solar energy, opting to build a photovoltaic installation in their neighborhood and live in a home where renewable and clean energies predominate.

thanks to installing solar panels in neighboring communitiestogether with solar batteries or accumulators, the electric self-consumption. In this way, you are not dependent on third parties for energy and not only that, but you also make significant savings on your monthly electricity bill.

However, PV installations in neighboring communities are not the same as one would find in an individual home. That\’s why it\’s important to know about what this type of installation is, what benefits it offers and how it differs from other types of installations. These types of community facilities are complex systems that are designed to meet the needs of a large group of people. For this reason, the equipment that makes up the system must offer a production capacity in line with the high demand..

Differences between community and individual home solar installations

Although there are not many differences between solar installations in neighboring communities and those of individual houses, those that exist are striking and important. The most significant differences son:

  • The management of authorizations and legal procedures It\’s more complicated in neighboring communities.
  • The economic inversion It is much larger in neighboring communities, but can be divided equally and shared by each community beneficiary.
  • In communities, more equipment is needed than for a single-dwelling installation, so it\’s basic they have more space.

The benefits of solar energy installations in neighboring communities

Any type of solar installation, regardless of type, offers endless advantages to its users. For this reason, if we decided to install photovoltaic panels in our community of neighbors We should know some of the most relevant positive aspects that this type of installation will offer us:

  • Reduced levels of pollution generated by the production of electricity through conventional systems.
  • Sustainable energy self-sufficiency thanks to the inexhaustible and free resources of nature.
  • Increasing community value of the neighbors in general and those household which forms it
  • Important saving money in taxes and electricity bills.
  • Being an isolated self-consumption system, we are not exposed to increases in electricity tariffs nor to failures and falls of the electrical network.
  • offers possibility of installation water pumping systems, heating and power supply of electrical appliances in each home.
  • Enable communities located in rural and totally isolated areasaccess to services such as electricity.

Approvals required for installing solar panels in neighboring communities

Approvals for the installation of solar panels in buildings are divided into two large groups, pre-installation authorizations and subsequent procedures.

Preinstall permissions:

  • Installation system design: In the case of large facilities such as a community of neighbors, a project must be submitted.
  • Access and login permission: Required when installations exceed 15kWn and discharge surplus electricity.
  • Building license and taxes (ICIO and town planning tax): The building license and fees are mandatory and in most cases it is only necessary to notify the City Hall about the execution of the work. You also have to pay the Construction and Works Tax (ICIO) and the tax for the provision of urban services. Both ICIO and IBI are discounted.
  • Administrative and prior construction authorization: Mandatory for photovoltaic installations greater than 100kWp.
  • Environmental and public utility authorization: Mandatory for installations greater than 100kWp.

Procedures after installation:

  • Certificate of completion: It certifies the correct execution of the work and it is mandatory to present it to the Autonomous Community or the competent town hall.
  • Initial inspection and periodic inspections: Performed by an Authorized Control Body (OCA). In the case of installations smaller than 10 kW, they are not mandatory.
  • Registration of the self-consumption installation in Industry.
  • Access contract for self-consumption installation.
  • Energy supply contract for auxiliary services.
  • Surplus compensation contract.
  • Representation contract.