Profitability of an electric car

Before analyze the profitability of an electric carIt is worth paying attention to the economic moment and the energy and supply crisis that has unfolded in recent months. The fuel prices have risen exponentially in the last year around the world, causing a great crisis in which even the Government of our country had to intervene by taking drastic measures, such as the aid of 20 euro cents per liter fueled until December 31 of this year 2022.

But at the same time there was also a the spectacular increase in the price of electricitywhich brings us to we wonder if it is currently profitable to acquire one electric car. A few years ago, having an electric car instead of a solution was almost a problem due to the lack of charging infrastructure, but today this problem has been solved and it is becoming easier to get ultra-fast charging stations for cars. .

According to various studies, an electric car is more profitable five years from now than an equivalent combustion, with 50% lower running cost. The more years pass, the more noticeable the difference. Among the reasons for this difference is the fact that the mechanics of 100% electric cars are simpler and have fewer elements susceptible to wear. In addition, they tend to pay cheaper rates in car parks and toll roads, and their traffic tax is cheaper in most locations.

However, before buying an electric car should do a study on use the one we will give them and about the time required to pay back the investment compared to a combustion car with similar characteristics. Let\’s see below some questions to consider before buying an electric car to know if it will be profitable or not.


How much less does an electric car pollute?

It should be borne in mind that producing an electric car involves more associated pollution than that of a combustion one due to battery manufacture. But over the life of the vehicle, this is compensated by it no emissions.

Lost electric cars have no local emissions (the ones that come out through an exhaust pipe), but it is true that in order to generate the necessary electrical energy that feeds them, CO2 is emitted to a lesser or greater extent depending on the energy source. A the electric car indirectly emits 25.3 grams of CO2 per kilometer in a rough calculation. We say indirectly because no electric car directly emits CO2 while driving, which makes them ideal for air quality in cities.

And An average petrol car emits 5.9 times more CO2 than an electric carand carbon footprint resulting from the burning of one liter of gasoline is much higher than that of an electric car. In addition, hydrocarbon combustion is also associated with the emission of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), soot particles (PM), hydrocarbons (HC) and sulfur dioxide (SO2).

Electric car comparison with the conventional one

For you know if an electric car is profitable or not We have to compare some aspects with conventional cars:


An electric car assumes an average between 5000 and 15000 euros more than the price, depending on the model. However, with state aid, this amount can be considerably reduced. This the extra cost can be amortized with fuel savings, so the more kilometers we do, the more profitable it will be.

fuel cost

If a few years ago we already knew that an electric car is more efficient compared to combustion ones, today and thanks to the high price of gasoline and diesel, this idea is reaffirmed.

To resort 100 kilometers with an electric vehicle costs approximately 13 kWh, While conventional car which has a consumption of 5 liters per 100 kilometers, it would be necessary 45 kWh to do it. Thus a fuel car will cost five times as much.


This is the weak point of electric cars, although every time the producers solve it better. The new models of electric cars have up to 500 or 600 kilometers of autonomy. Furthermore, every time there is a multiple charging points extended throughout the country, which allows many kilometers to be covered comfortably and safely.

charging point

A growing number of charging points, although the ideal is to have it at home. Conformable Supplementary Technical Instructions (ITC) BT-52public car parks must install an electric car charging station for every 40 available spaces.


Electric cars don\’t have many of the components that combustion cars have, such as belts, oil, filters, etc. For this reason THEBreakdowns are minor and infrequentas well as reduce maintenance costs.


In big cities, electric cars have many advantages, such as free on-street parking in a regulated parking area or free charging spaces in shopping centers or unrestricted access to low-emission zones. This implies a big savings over the years.


In some provinces of our country electric vehicles benefit from tax advantages with discounts on Road Tax that can reach 75%.



The commitment of every driver and society towards the environment is increasing. Thus, it is not surprising that a factor such as pollution and CO2 emissions are a determining factor when making a decision such as buying a car.

As a conclusion, we can say that buying an electric car is currently profitable, since in the long term it implies a considerable economy at the same time that we take care of the environment.