Technologies for collective self-consumption systems

The installation of photovoltaic panels for the generation of solar energy It is in vogue in homes and businesses, for various reasons: from savings on users\’ energy bills to the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere, which means more care for the environment. Of course, you should know that there are more technologies for the implementation of a collective self-consumption system.

The increased environmental awareness of citizens in countries such as Spain means that solar photovoltaic energy is one of the most widely used renewable energies, alongside wind or hydro. Its benefits are many and moreover the government policies favor it collective self-consumption in neighboring communitiesfor example, and not only in single-family homes.

Therefore, at we want to provide you with a list and explanation of the technologies most in use today that enable an energy transition away from models based on fossil fuels such as coal. Get a good grade.


6 technologies for collective self-consumption systems

Here are some of the main technologies for implementing collective self-consumption systems that we want you to know.

photovoltaic solar panels

First, the most known photovoltaic solar panels, which are a set of solar cells that are mounted in a frame. Used to generate electricity from the sunlight captured by the panels, their installation is very simple, and there are several in Spain Aid and subsidies for shared self-consumption which favors the use of these plates.

These solar panels can be installed on building roofs, both inclined and horizontal. But it is also possible to install it vertically on the facades of blocks of flats or office buildings.

Its useful life reaches up to 20 years and its maintenance is very simple. As we have explained in other articles, photovoltaic panels capture sunlight even on cloudy days. With good maintenance, they withstand and are effective in low winter temperatures, despite snow or frost.

solar inverters

Lost solar inverters They are the devices responsible for transforming the direct current coming from the solar panels into sinusoidal alternating current, which is compatible with the home or building.

Connected to solar batteries, there are inverters of various types and if they are connected to the electrical network, they have a higher input voltage. The inverters for solar panels They are one of the most important elements of a photovoltaic installation.

Among the different types available, we can highlight grid connected inverters and inverters for battery and isolated installations.

energy storage systems

Technologies for implementing shared self-consumption systems serve not only to capture solar energy, but also to store it. In this way, the user can choose between using all the energy or saving energy storage systems for further use.

At this point it is necessary to talk, for example, about solar batteries, which are the devices in which the energy generated in the solar panels is stored or accumulated. A battery is also made up of several solar batteries.

Regarding the operation of batteries, we must mention that they discharge electricity when additional electricity is needed to assume a certain level of energy consumption.


smart energy meters

Technology covers many or almost all aspects of our lives, including home automation or smart homes. If we refer to collective self-consumption, there is smart energy meters which helps to manage, measure the energy consumption of a community of neighbors or any type of premises with a collective electrical installation with several users.

These meters make it possible to know the energy consumption data of an energy community, such as peak hours. The information collected is encrypted and sent to data concentrators at a smart metering operations center.

And in these hubs or central systems, all information is analyzed and energy is managed. So thanks to him smart meters You can have all the information to optimize the energy consumption of a community or a group of users of a photovoltaic installation.

Energy Management Systems (EMS)

Fifth, technologies for collective self-consumption facilities include energy management systems (EMS). We therefore refer to a set of interdependent or interacting elements in order to have a specific energy policy and objectives.

Energy management systems are based on the so-called continuous improvement cycle a the Deming wheel: Plan-Execute-Check-Act. Among its benefits in shared self-consumption we can list:

  • Cost reduction as unnecessary energy usage is detected.
  • An increase in competitiveness.
  • Its implementation in any type of facility, regardless of its size.
  • Low impact on the environment.
  • Historical data storage.


Connection to the electrical network

And sixth, at we want to talk about the necessary connecting collective self-consumption installations to the general electrical network. The way to do this is to connect the PV installation to the grid via a solar inverter.

What are the benefits or why should you do it? Mainly because in this way it is possible to interconnect the photovoltaic installation to the general grid, favoring the use and sale of surplus energy.

This point is related to another of the systems we talked about, solar batteries, which are the ones that store energy and allow the sale of the surplus if the user decides.

Therefore, as we have seen, there are currently many technologies to implement a collective self-consumption system and thus achieve an improvement in energy efficiency; reducing expenses in invoices; and promotes care for the environment by using solar photovoltaic energy, one of the most used renewable and clean energy in Spain.