Photovoltaic solar installations are made up of a series of elements designed to achieve maximum efficiency in capturing sunlight. Sunlight in the case of solar photovoltaic energy is captured for self-consumption of energy.
As a synthesis of the operation of these facilities, it is necessary to know that solar radiation is collected through solar panels. These panels are made up of cells that transforms light into electrical energy through the photoelectric effect. The solar cells in the panels are able to absorb photons or particles of light and release electrons. It is this process that generates electric current.
This precise technology projects, for its operation, a series of elements called the components of a solar photovoltaic installation. We will see What are they and what function do they perform? throughout the energy capture and production process.
The main elements of a photovoltaic installation
Self-consumption photovoltaic installations are made up of a set of extremely sophisticated components TECHNICAL. These components of solar photovoltaic installations are almost always the same, and only if it is an isolated installation without a connection to the electrical grid, the design changes a little because solar batteries must be built in to store unused electricity. Let\’s see what these components consist of: photovoltaic panels, solar inverters, batteries, monitoring system, supports, optimizers, bidirectional counter and various small components (wiring, protection and fixing systems, etc.).
It is essential that all components of a photovoltaic installation are perfectly selected and provide maximum quality and guarantee. A quality and correct product maintenance It is essential to extend the useful life of the plant and also to make them more efficient.
Solar panels
They are the main component of solar PV installations, and as I said, they are responsible for converting solar energy into electricity. The number of panels is related to the energy requirement. Photovoltaic panels are made of silicon cells, a semiconductor material. These cells are encapsulated and are electrically connected to each other. Each panel is covered by a glass that serves to protect the cells from atmospheric phenomena.
there is distinct types of panels depending on whether the silicon used comes from a single block or if it comes from different The greater the homogeneity, the greater the efficiency of the panel.
solar inverter
He the solar inverter converts the direct current produced in low-voltage panels into alternating or conventional current (110 v.), which must be identical to that used by the electrical network. The inverter must adapt to the maximum power demand that the equipment connected to it will have.
The the battery of a solar photovoltaic installation is the enabling element store the energy captured by the solar panels during sunny hours. They are fundamental in isolated installations because thanks to them true energy independence of the network. Batteries allow us to use energy even when it is not possible to produce it, such as on cloudy days or at night. It is the best way to make the most of solar energy captured. do not emit almost pollution to environment and have a long life spanwhich can exceed 15 years and where below 80% continue to function properly and guarantee energy storage.
Charge controller
The charge controller is common manage energy efficiently. It is the connection between the solar panels and the other components of the solar photovoltaic installation. Help to extend battery life given that prevents system overload. In other words, it guarantees a sufficient battery charge and eliminates overload situations. Also, in the discharge area of the installations, the charge controller ensures a sufficient daily supply and prevents excessive discharge of the battery.
installation media
The supports are structure which allows to give plate stability, preventing them from being affected by bad weather. For them to perform their mission well and achieve maximum efficiency, they must maintain appropriate inclination which allows maximum use of solar radiation. In the same way to capture more hours of sun, the orientation must be south.
power optimizers
Lost power optimizers are placed between the photovoltaic panels and the inverter. The function of a power optimizer is to a improve the performance of each panel so that it works at full efficiency. They are very useful in situations where a set of panels in series has performance problems, as they cause the rest of the modules to limit their power as well. The optimizer allows the independence of the panels without affecting the overall performance of the installation.
The connection and integration of all components of a solar photovoltaic installation is carried out by a well-distributed wiring network. The electrical wiring will transport energy from boards to batteries or if there is no storage, it will reach the general network. It is a minor element, but no less important.
Maintenance of the components of a solar photovoltaic installation
A solar photovoltaic installation is continuously subjected to various external agents, such as rain, hail, environmental pollution, sudden temperature changes, snow or radiation, among others. They affect both the solar panels and the rest of the photovoltaic components. To prevent their damage, it is essential to perform a correct periodic maintenance of the installation.
The maintenance of the photovoltaic components of an installation includes different aspects:
- Maintenance of photovoltaic panels by cleaning the surface to remove any type of accumulated dirt.
- Visual inspection to detect possible anomalies.
- checking the state of the structure fixing brackets and supports to detect possible cracks or deformations.
- The review electronic photovoltaic components.
- battery maintenanceboth terminals and connecting terminals and electrolyte level.
Correct maintenance of the photovoltaic installation will be carried out extend the life of solar panelsas well as his efficiency, avoiding costly breakdowns. If you have any questions about how to service or overhaul your installation, be sure to contact the team of professionals at P.O.W.